ERTC 2024 Conference Newspaper

ERTC 2024

Expert help on your road to net zero: Tailored carbon capture solutions

Nathan Lozanoski Honeywell UOP

Action must be taken to address the climate crisis, and carbon capture is key to lowering emissions and driving business outcomes. Transforming the global economy to achieve net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by mid- century is essential to avoid the dangerous effects of climate change. Carbon capture, utilisation, and storage (CCUS) is an impor- tant lever in limiting the global rise in tem- perature to less than 1.5 º C. Without it, in fact, it will be practically impossible to reach shared climate goals while achieving busi- ness outcomes. Carbon capture is a broad, complex, and evolving field, and it is urgent that indus- tries implement and scale their climate solutions. CCUS usage needs to grow 120 times by 2050 for nations to achieve their net-zero commitments, and 70-100 new projects per year are required to get there. For successful carbon capture projects to go forward, we need ready-now technolo- gies, a price on carbon, and infrastructure and permitting to move and permanently sequester CO₂. Many companies and gov- ernments have set bold carbon-neutral pledges for as early as 2030 – a deadline that is rapidly approaching. To reach those goals, companies need to consider CCUS as a viable option in their sustainability plans because the technolo- gies are ready now, have policy support, and can significantly reduce emissions. Carbon capture capacity must increase more than 20 times to enable the capture of 840 mil- lion metric tons per year of CO₂ by 2030 to meet global emission goals. Custom Solutions for a Universal Problem As urgent as it is, there are significant chal- lenges in CCUS. National and corporate net-zero policy ambitions are not always clearly defined, with many legal, regulatory, and financial frameworks still being estab- lished. It is difficult to rapidly create a full ecosystem that embodies all elements of carbon capture amid so much uncertainty. The transition is especially important for carbon-intensive markets such as power, steel, cement, refining, petrochemicals, hydrogen, and natural gas processing. Reducing environmental impact has been difficult, and technology is continuously evolving and improving. Honeywell UOP can be your trusted part- ner in finding the best solutions. We have a full suite of pre- and post-combustion tech- nologies that can be custom-engineered. Our support spans the project life cycle from conceptual and feasibility studies through front-end engineering design (FEED), com- missioning start-up, and services during operational life. We can deliver technologies through basic engineering packages as well as modular solutions. CCUS is a key lever in reducing global emissions, accounting for 15% of overall emissions reductions in the IEA sustainable development scenario.

CO concentration




400ppm 3%


Direct air capture

Power generation

Chemicals production

Natural gas reforming (SMR/ATR)

Steel blast furnace gas

Fluid catalytic cracking (FCC)

Process emissions


Process source


Pulp & paper


Advanced Solvent Carbon Capture (ASCC)™ Amine Guard™ Processes




Polybed™ PSA



Polybed™ PSA + Ortloff CO fractionation


Ortloff CO fractionation

Separex™ Polysep™





Natural gas


H rich off-gas

Honeywell UOP offers a wide range of CCUS solutions for pre-combustion, post-combustion, and emissions tracking applications

cryogenic CO₂ capture options, which can be tailored to your needs based on: • Varying CO₂ concentrations (normal oper- ation >oxygen enrichment) • Utility sourcing (all-electric or natural gas) Our PSA and cryogenic solutions are all- electric and highly automated. They can produce a high-purity liquid product ready for transport, and synergies between them can lead to cost savings. • Plot space constraints • Level of automation. Honeywell UOP’s Advanced Solvent Carbon Capture (ASCC) enables more effi- cient capture of lower CO₂ concentration cement kiln flue gas and can be made fully electric to meet utility availability. Power Power generation accounts for roughly 40% of global CO₂ emissions, and ASCC provides an effective path to reduce the environmental impact of generators. Power and utilities generate large vol- umes of low-concentration flue gas for which ASCC enables a lower cost of cap- ture. ASCC reduces parasitic energy loads, with a patented heat exchange design that leads to lower energy consumption for sol- vent regeneration. ASCC is backed by: • 20+ years of ongoing development and testing • 8,500 hours of testing at the National Carbon Capture Center on flue gas range 2-15% • Honeywell’s extensive warranty and per- formance guarantees • Honeywell’s expertise, having designed 1,200+ solvent-based units. Refining,petrochemical,andgasprocessing A full portfolio of carbon capture technolo- gies from Honeywell UOP serves the refin- ing, petrochemical, and gas processing

industries. We can support decarbonisation efforts through new builds or retrofits with a unique perspective on optimal integra- tions with your existing process units. We offer multiple technologies that can easily be integrated into current opera- tions. Our solutions and services provide a range of options for multiple emissions points looking to efficiently and economi- cally lower the carbon intensity of the fuels and products they produce. Hydrogen and derivatives Honeywell UOP’s integrated solutions ena- ble a tailored approach to carbon intensity, hydrogen purity, and other project require- ments, delivering proven, reliable, and flex- ible solutions. As a leading supplier of hydrogen pres- sure swing adsorption (PSA) solutions to the market, we can optimise to meet your hydrogen purity and recovery targets. Designs are capable of meeting 99.99% hydrogen purity for a variety of end-use applications.² We have sold more than 1,150 PSA units in services such as hydro- gen purification, ethylene off-gas recovery, refinery off-gas recovery, ammonia, coke oven gas, gasification, methanol off-gas, and syngas purification. PSA units can also be deployed in carbon capture, ammonia cracking purification, and green hydrogen purification: • Carbon capture PSAs are typically uti- lised on hydrogen PSA tail gases where a low Capex solution is needed • Ammonia cracking PSAs are used in puri- fying hydrogen from ammonia that has been cracked when used as an energy carrier • Green hydrogen PSAs can purify hydro- gen to fuel cell requirements after produc- tion from an electrolyser.

Solutions Solutions that can make a difference are chemical and physical solvents, adsor- bents, and cryogenics and membranes. Honeywell UOP has a variety of solutions tailored for individual customers in a wide range of industries. Our team of experts can work with you to determine the best solution to meet your CO₂ emissions goals. Industries emit CO₂ in a wide range of concentrations due to the variety of fuels and processes used in their operations. Honeywell UOP’s portfolio of carbon cap- ture solutions can be tailored for project needs such as plot space requirements, utilities consumption, removal efficiency rates, and CO₂ product specifications. Industries Honeywell UOP’s CO₂ solutions can help make an impact within a wide range of industries where decarbonisation has been a challenge: did you know? Honeywell UOP’s integrated solutions enable a tailored approach to carbon intensity, hydrogen purity, and other project requirements

Cement We offer solvent, PSA, PSA + cryogenic, and

Pulp and paper Pulp and paper are unique opportunities for


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