ERTC 2024 Conference Newspaper

ERTC 2024

Reshaping filtration at the forefront of the energy transition

John Worrell FTC (Filtration Technology Corporation)

For nearly four decades, Filtration Technology Corporation (FTC) has been at the forefront of delivering cutting-edge fil- tration and separation solutions. Our relent- less pursuit of innovation positions us as a leader in developing products to meet the complex needs of the refining industry, par- ticularly in supporting the sector’s energy transition. We collaborate closely with our refin- ing customers, technology licensors, and engineering, procurement and construc- tion (EPC) businesses to provide tailored solutions for a wide range of applications. These include traditional applications such as amine and solvent filtration, fixed bed hydrotreater catalyst protection, water treatment, fuel gas conditioning, and final fuels polishing, as well as newer sustain- ability-driven applications like renewable diesel and sustainable aviation fuel feed filtration. We support both plant modifica- tions and new installations. As the refining industry faces increas- ing pressures to reduce emissions, meet sustainability goals, and comply with gov- ernmental regulations, our Invicta ® line of cartridge filters and vessels offers a com- pletely new paradigm for filtration and sep- aration technology. Driving Reliability and Sustainability The advanced Invicta technology offers superior filtration efficiency, extended fil- ter life and reduced operational costs, all of which are crucial for refineries striving to enhance their operational efficiency, process reliability and environmental compliance. To demonstrate the benefits of our advanced filtration systems, two real-world case studies highlight the ever-changing needs of our customers and how FTC con- tinually develops products to address mar- ket demand. Pre-RO Filtration Solutions A compelling example of Invicta technology’s impact is seen in a recent case study involv- ing a North American refinery grappling with inefficiencies in its pre-reverse osmosis (RO) filtration system for boiler feed water. Challenge The refinery was renting multiple RO units to treat boiler feed water sourced from more than a dozen nearby wells. The stand- ard practice involved collecting feed water in large, open-top tanks and pumping it to the RO trailer units. However, the built-in pre-filtration units of these trailers were undersized, offered insufficient solids load- ing capacity, lasted only 8-12 hours, and did not provide adequate protection of the membranes, resulting in frequent cleaning and replacement. Solution Following consultation with a process filter supplier, the refinery sought a rental filtra-

Solution FTC designed an upgrade to Invicta tech- nology, implementing five Invicta ele- ments within the existing vessel ( Figure 2 ). Despite the flux rate still being higher than ideal, the upgrade was a success. Over the following year, average runtimes increased dramatically, with Invicta filters running up to three months before reaching terminal differential pressure. This improvement allowed operators to reduce potential safety hazards and costly downtime, as filter changeouts could now be predictably scheduled, eliminating the need for nighttime and weekend mainte- nance. The upgrade utilised absolute-rated glass media filters, ensuring proper pro- tection of the costly catalyst bed against harmful solids contaminants. Notably, the refinery was able to extend a recently planned catalyst change by six months. Results The success of the Invicta upgrade in the ‘A’ vessel led the refinery to upgrade the ‘B’ vessel to the same technology, elimi- nating the outdated filters. This strategic enhancement not only salvaged the exist- ing vessel, avoiding the cost of replace- ment, but also provided significant cost savings by extending the catalyst lifecycle and improving overall operational reliability. Broader Impact of FTC’s Innovations FTC’s commitment to innovation extends beyond individual case studies, impact- ing the refining industry on a broader scale. Invicta technology, along with other advanced filtration solutions from FTC, addresses several key challenges faced by the industry: • Renewable fuel governmental com- pliance: FTC’s filtration systems provide technology to support the various fluids processes that refineries utilise to meet environmental and government regulations. • Operational efficiency and reliability: By extending filter life and reducing main- tenance requirements, FTC’s solutions enhance overall operational efficiency and reliability, leading to cost savings and improved productivity. • Sustainability: FTC’s advanced filtration technologies contribute to the sustainabil- ity goals of refineries by minimising waste, reducing energy consumption and meeting effluent quality goals. Innovation Driving Progress and Sustainability Delivering innovative filtration and separa- tion products since our inception in 1987, we continually adapt to the evolving needs of the refining industry. Our Invicta technol- ogy exemplifies our commitment to sup- porting the energy transition, providing refineries with the tools needed to enhance efficiency, reduce costs, and meet environ- mental standards.

Figure 1 3D render of the Clarify 500 to Invicta cartridge vessel upgrade with increased filter packing density

Figure 2 Upgrade includes five Invicta elements in the exisiting vessel

extending changeouts to approximately three weeks. This upgrade resulted in an estimated 25% cost savings, underscoring Invicta technology’s role in enhancing oper- ational efficiency and sustainability. Hydrocracker Unit Feed Filter Upgrade Another recent case study at a refin- ery highlights the significant benefits of upgrading to Invicta technology in a hydroc- racker unit (HCU) feed filter application. Challenge The refinery’s existing filtration configura- tion comprised an 18in vessel equipped with 25 non-FTC glass stringwound filters (2.5 x 40in). This setup only provided run-​ times of about two weeks before requiring changeouts. Additionally, the HCU feed fil- ters had a blind flange closure, making it dif- ficult and time-consuming for operators to change filter elements. Upon inspection, it was discovered that some filters were not sealing properly, leading to bypass and inadequate protection for the reactor cat- alyst bed. The sealing surfaces on the ves- sel tubesheet were also worn down, further compromising performance. Despite recog- nising the need for an upgrade, the refinery lacked the resources and time to replace the entire filter system.

tion solution to protect the RO trailers from solids and biofouling, a common issue due to open-tank storage. Although these filters provided improvement and four to five-day run times, the performance was still inad- equate. FTC upgraded the rental housings with our Clarify 500 technology, which pro- vided increased suspended solids removal with a more efficient filter at a lower micron rating. This upgrade allowed the plant to extend filter life to a full seven-day run time. The improved effluent fluid quality and extended filter life significantly boosted operational efficiency. Invicta upgrade Six years later, with filter vessels nearing the end of their service life, the refinery embraced FTC’s new Invicta line. This tech- nology, featuring a coreless, trapezoidal filter cartridge design, offered increased surface area and better media packing den- sity, fitting seamlessly into existing vessel footprints ( Figure 1 ). The refinery quickly recognised the benefits: improved filter life, reduced long-term costs, and avoidance of expensive engineering and construction modifications. The Invicta filters and vessels deliv- ered a 111% increase in effective surface area and a 3.29x increase in filter lifespan,



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