Decarbonisation Technology - November 2023 Issue

EU (+ European Economic Area) certication

Certicates expire as soon as hydrogen is used TUV HUD is an auditor CertiH y low - carbon hydrogen has carbon footprint <36.4g COe/MJ CertiH y green hydrogen is low - carbon hydrogen that is from renewable energy, including biomass and biogas Well - to -G ate and uses ISO 14044 and 14067 99.9% purity and 3 MPa pressure

CertiH y – EU Consortium funded by European C ommission Issues Guarantee of Origin (GO) electronic certificate based on certification pro c ess Covers both green hydrogen and low - carbon hydrogen Compliant with EU EECS (European Energy Certificate System) and CEN EN16325 standard Latest published CertiH y scheme Apr 2022


Point of production + transportation, but not use. Scope 3 for raw material and transportation 99% purity and 3 MPa pressure

International Partnership for Hydrogen and Fuel Cells in Economy (IPHE) Published Rev2 M ethodology for D etermining the G reenhouse G as E missions A ssociated with the P roduction of H ydrogen Nov 2022

On-site verication + documentation approval Also issued discussion paper on trade rules


Must be 20g COe/MJLHV emission intensity to be considered low carbon +99.9% pure and 3 MPa pressure Includes point of production, but not downstream use Interestingly , excludes H fugitive emissions

Dept Business Energy & Industry Strategy (BEIS) Published guidance document Jul 2022 – UK L ow C arbon H ydrogen S tandard Provides detailed methodology for emission calculation


Concerned about additionality principle, temporal correlation, geographical correlation, exclusion of nuclear power , and setting correct average electricity grid emission factor

AFHYPAC (French Association for Hydrogen and Fuel Cells) – France Hydrogène – 450 members Currently publishing position papers and strategy documents Calling for clarity on RED II, RED III , and Fit for 55

California + Other N. A.

LCFS (Low Carbon Fuel Standard) in place since 2011. Has provision for hydrogen used for FCEV (Fuel Cell Electric Vehicles) and renewable fuel production Two pathways for calculating carbon intensity – Lookup T ables and Tier 2 application

More than 30 ac c redited certication entities available Book and claim approach used Hydrogen from electrolysis and bio-based allowed


Use 50% of hydrogen for RFNBO (Renewable Fuel of Non Biological Origin) by 2030 RFNBO must be at least 2.6% by 2030 (may increase to 5.7%) RED III not ratied yet – now in trialogue

RED (Renewable Energy Directive) regulatory framework, latest RED II in 2018 RED III included elements on hydrogen and derived fuels

China Governed by China Hydrogen Alliance’s Standard – released 2021 Denes low - carbon hydrogen as 14.51 kgCO/kgH and renewable hydrogen as 4.9 kgCO/kgH

Annual certication and thi rd parties provide on-site audits No chain of custody methodology is dened


ISCC (International Sustainability and Carbon Certication) Plus is a voluntary market -b ased scheme for bio - based recycled material

Scheme can be used to certify renewable hydrogen for biofuels, recycled carbon fuels , and RFNBOs Other entities oversee audits and ISCC issues certicates

Figure 2 Examples of standards, regulations, and certification across the world

additionality is that the power for electrolysis of water to hydrogen should come from new renewable sources rather than taking existing renewable power away from existing electricity users. Hence, the hydrogen will have to be generated by direct physical connection with the power source or through confirmed purchased power agreements, as well as being generated from new renewable facilities and sources. • Temporal correlation : A specification of the time between power generation and use by the electrolysers to generate hydrogen. Most of these

time frames involve calendar hours and do allow for power storage for use by the asset. However, the time frame is purposely condensed to ensure the use of renewable power directly for low- carbon hydrogen. • Geographic correlation : The electricity generation assets and electrolysis system must be within the same geographical region, often defined by bid zones within a given country or groups of countries. • GHG savings : the GHG savings must be accounted for and included to demonstrate that


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