From this standpoint, end-users must play an integral role in developing the dashboard, so they can monitor operations in a way that is efficient and requires minimum interaction with the automated system. Q Is there scope for significantly reducing fractionation furnace energy consumption for FCC and hydrocracker product recovery sections? A Gary Martin, Process Development Expert, Sulzer Chemtech, Refiners that fractionate FCC naphtha into three or more streams can take advantage of DWC technology to reduce the energy consumed by the process. This technology has been successfully applied for this application. Typically, this is where refiners are using a processing configuration to shift from fuels production to petrochemicals or using pro- cessing schemes to retain octane during sulphur removal. In doing so, not only does the DWC technology provide for lower energy consumption, but the shift in product slate when producing additional petrochemicals can have ben- efits in product upgrade value and credits. Q Considering that new catalyst formulations play a sig - nificant role in successful reactor performance, what else is necessary for optimal reactor/catalyst performance? A Ron Beck and Gerardo Munoz, AspenTech Operating conditions affecting catalyst performance include temperature, pressure, composition, and other aspects that can impact catalyst degradation. Accurate modelling solutions are crucial to monitor catalyst performance and troubleshoot operations to prevent deactivation. Because reactors have a complex series of chemical and physical reactions and dynamics going on inside, accu- rate modelling requires high fidelity and ongoing valida - tion and tuning. Traditionally, process licensors guard the proprietary nature of their technology and don’t release such models. Owners who want to be independent of the licensors’ reactors employ rigorous models to predict conditions leading to catalyst degradation or deactivation. Molecular- level modelling of crude characteristics, and conversely a more detailed understanding of reactor performance and catalyst interaction, is a key digital technology that helps in this area. But AI analytics can be a game-changer. AI is already changing the game in terms of the formerly time-consuming task of calibrating these models. Refiners using hybrid models in this area have seen it as a break- through in the practical use of these models to optimise Accurate modelling solutions are crucial to monitor catalyst performance and troubleshoot operations to prevent deactivation
catalyst economics. As biofeedstocks are blended into the refining process, this will only get more complicated. To fully optimise refining performance with respect to biofuels, carbon intensity, energy use, and catalysts, a com- bination of digital tools comes into play. Effective use of models that can predict unit fouling (rigorous engineering models in a digital twin mode) benefits from: • Planning models that can plan the blending of feedstocks and biofuels to achieve carbon, energy use, and margin results A synchronisation of the models is needed to achieve results that can be used to make the trade-off decisions needed. To provide that, AspenTech has innovated a concept we term model alliance. We use AI-based reduced-order models to synchronise across these different refining mod - els and enable the optimisation engineers, plant managers, and technical teams to achieve the desired optimisation. A Dinesh-Kumar Khosla, Global Market Manager Heavy Ends, HDC, Axens, In units featuring fixed-bed reactors, along with optimum catalyst design, overall reactor/catalyst performance can be enhanced using high-efficiency reactor internals. Axens’ proprietary EquiFlow reactor internals ensure a uniform gas/liquid distribution and optimum mixing in the reactor, thereby minimising channelling and hot spots to ensure optimal use of the entire catalyst inventory in the reactor. This enhances catalyst activity, selectivity, and stability, minimising catalyst change-out frequency while ensur - ing safe and reliable operation. EquiFlow distributor trays employ a dispersive system located below a chimney tray to ensure close-to-ideal vapour/liquid distribution throughout the catalytic bed underneath. EquiFlow quench systems (i.e., the proprietary Hy-Quench-XM and Hy-Quench-NG) feature a more com- pact design. This results in smaller reactors in grassroots configurations and increased catalyst volume for exist - ing reactors. These quench systems provide higher ther - mal efficiency over a wider range of operating conditions. These systems result in longer catalyst cycles and/or higher throughput operation. For reactors prone to fouling, the EquiFlow smart filter - ing tray system (i.e., proprietary Hy-Clean) limits recurrent pressure drop problems while ensuring a perfect gas/liq - uid distribution in reactors. It will prevent plugging of the bed by catching and retaining feed impurities that are often responsible for crust formation between the different cata- lyst layers. Notably, with the use of Hy-Clean, there is no additional pressure drop compared to conventional dis- tributors or quench systems. Overall, Hy-Clean will enable a significant increase in catalyst cycle length, leading to higher profitability. The right combination of catalyst and reactor internals is thus essential for reliable and profitable reactor operation. A reduction in reactor operating temperature and pressure drop with Axens’ EquiFlow reactor internals also results in a lower CO₂ footprint associated with specific unit operation. • Energy and utility models • Mass balance accounting.
PTQ Q3 2022
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