PTQ Q1 2024 Issue

requirement for the tank is derived by summing the values from Equations 1 and 2, capturing both the liquid transfer and thermal influences on the inbreathing system. Alternate method for estimating nitrogen inbreathing quantity According to API 2000 section 3.5.3, when an inert gas system is employed to prevent the entry of air into the tank during vacuum conditions, thereby reducing the risk of a potentially explosive atmosphere inside the tank, the Annex F method can be utilised to estimate inert gas blan- keting for tanks. In the context of refineries, tank vents are typically with - out any flame arrester, and thus, the sizing of venting devices is determined using Annex F Level 3 equation, as shown below: V I = 0.5C • R i V tk 0.7 + V pe V I = 0.12 • V tk Where: C is a factor that depends on vapour pressure, average storage temperature, and latitude (see Table 2) R i is the reduction factor for insulation R i is 1 if no insulation is used V tk is the tank volume V pe is the maximum rate of liquid discharge In both the methods above, the calculation of tank thermal inbreathing requirement adopts a conservative approach, assuming that tanks are empty and filled with air before cooldown. However, it is believed that a more prag - matic approach can be adopted, leading to a reduction in the normal nitrogen demand of the tank farm, which often accounts for more than 20% of the overall refinery’s normal nitrogen demand. In practice, storage tanks are typically not operated com- pletely empty. They usually maintain some minimum inven - tory levels. For product tanks in a specific service, one tank may be in receiving mode, another under certification, and another in despatch mode. Intermediate tanks are com - monly kept at around 50% level, while feed tanks are tar - geted to be kept full of inventory. It is pragmatic to consider a 50% level of inventory in the tanks while estimating the nitrogen requirement for tank inbreathing. This approach finds support in Annex F of API 2000, which states that: “If several tanks with a common inert gas supply are divided so that no single tank has a capacity exceeding 20% of the total capacity of all tanks, the calculated values may be reduced by 50%.” By applying this

pragmatic approach, a more realistic estimation of nitrogen demand for tank inbreathing can be achieved, potentially reducing the overall nitrogen consumption significantly. Frequently, when estimating the total nitrogen inbreath - ing requirement for a tank farm, a common practice is to add the inbreathing due to liquid movement to the thermal inbreathing for all tanks. However, it is important to note that, for a specific service, typically only one tank operates in despatch mode, driven by the connected pump. This gen - eral addition of inbreathing due to liquid movement leads to a significant increase in the normal nitrogen inbreathing requirement for the entire tank farm. As a result, a more accurate and pragmatic approach is needed to optimise nitrogen usage and better reflect the actual operational conditions of the tanks. Various interpretations and methodologies have been observed when estimating nitrogen inbreathing for a tank farm. To facilitate a comparative analysis of inbreathing flow rates using different methods, nitrogen blanketing for a selection of representative tanks with representative out - flow has been estimated using the following approaches: • Method 1: Liquid transfer effect according to API 2000 section + thermal inbreathing as per section In this approach, all tanks are assumed to be empty, and the outflow of liquid occurs from all tanks when there is no inflow to any of the tanks. • Method 2: Liquid transfer effect based on API 2000 sec- tion + thermal Inbreathing per section Here, all tanks are assumed to be 50% empty, and the outflow of liquid occurs only from one tank for a specific service, with no inflow to that tank. • Method 3: Inbreathing as per Annex F of API 2000. In this method, all tanks are assumed to be 50% empty, and the outflow of liquid occurs only from one tank for a particular type of liquid, with no inflow to that tank. For detailed calculations, refer to Appendix 2, and a sum- marised result of various methods is shown in Table 3 . Table 3 shows that the nitrogen inbreathing requirement estimated using Method 1 is 1.7 times more than that esti - mated using Method 2 and 3.3 times more than that esti - mated using Method 3. Additionally, Method 2 provides an estimated nitrogen requirement 1.9 times higher than that estimated using Method 3. These comparisons highlight the significant differences in nitrogen inbreathing estima - tions based on the different methods used. The thermal inbreathing requirements given by API 2000 are approximately equivalent to a rate of change in ambient temperature of 38°C per hour. While this may seem exces - sive, it reflects a change of about 10°C in 15 minutes, which is not uncommon as storm fronts move through. It also con - siders the impact of sudden cold rainfall on the shell of the tanks.

Normal nitrogen inbreathing rate

It is essential to consider that the change in volume is com- monly converted into equivalent volumetric rates based on air at standard or normal condi- tions. Consequently, the volu - metric rates may not appear as


Liquid transfer (Nm³/h)

Thermal inbreathing (Nm³/h)

Total (Nm³/h)

Method 1 Method 2 Method 3

31,082 9,296 9,296

283,551 174,546 87,273

314,633 183,842 96,569

Table 3


PTQ Q1 2024

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