PTQ Q1 2024 Issue

without hydroprocessing. Capex for the integrated ethylene plant and crude conditioning section is reduced along with the specific energy reduction. Relative to a 100% naphtha cracker, the specific energy of a crude cracking ethylene plant increases only slightly. When the energy required to produce the naphtha cut from crude in the refinery is included, the TC2C technology route demonstrates lower specific energy and, hence, will emit lower CO₂ for the complex. With hydroprocessing, the complete refinery is bypassed. Therefore, Capex and energy savings are higher than an integrated ethylene plant/refin - ery. Extensive bench-scale and pilot plant studies for vari - ous sections of TC2C technology were run to collect data for design. A plant using this scheme is under construction and is expected to start up in 2026. Although the scheme is shown with Arab Light crude, the technology is applica - ble to all types of crudes. Lighter crudes such as Permian or Agbami will reduce the Capex and improve crude utilisation. TC2C is a mark of Lummus Technology. Acknowledgement The authors thank the Lummus, Chevron, and Saudi Aramco colleagues who worked with us in this project. References 1 Altgelt K H, Boduszynski M M, C omposition and Analysis of heavy Petroleum Fractions , Marcel Deckker, NY 1994. 2 Sundaram K M, Mukherjee U, Baldassari M, Thermodynamic Model of sediment deposition in the LC-FINING Process, Energy & Fuels , 22, 2008. p.3226-3236. 3 Boduszynski M M, Composition based crude oil evaluation, Haverly Systems Asian Technical Conference, Jun 2001.

4 Fernandez-Baujin J M, Maddock M J, Sundaram K M, A case study based on commercial experience: Vacuum gasoils to Petrochemicals, presented at AIChE Spring meeting, Orlando, Fl, March 18-20, 1990. 5 Sundaram K M, Mukherjee U K, Venner R M, Santos P M, Thermal crude to chemicals, presented at AIChE spring meeting, Houston, March 13-16, 2023. 6 Biswas G, Maesen T, Sundaram K M, Unlocking Permian value, Hydrocarbon Eng., Apr 2022, p.29. Kandasamy M Sundaram is a Technologist responsible for pyrolysis reactors and other process reactor designs. He holds a Bachelor’s in chemical engineering from Madras University, a Master’s in chemical engineering from the Indian Institute of Science, and a PhD from the University of Ghent, Belgium. Email: Ujjal Mukherjee is Chief Technology Officer responsible for Lummus’ existing portfolio and developing technologies at the forefront of the energy transition and digitalisation. He holds a Bachelor’s in chemical engineering from National Institute of Technology, India, a Master’s in chemical and petroleum engineering from ENSPM, France, and a Master’s in business administration from Rutgers University, US. Email: Pedro Santos is Technology Director leading the commercial deployment and further technology development of TC2C. He holds a Bachelor’s in chemical engineering from the New Jersey Institute of technology, and he has been granted five patents related to crude to chemicals. Email: Ronald Venner is Chief Business Officer, Clean Fuels, leading the strategic direction and performance of Lummus’ clean fuels and crude-to-chemicals businesses, as well as the company’s joint venture Chevron Lummus Global. He holds a Bachelor’s in chemistry and a Master’s in chemical engineering from Manhattan College. Email:

Learn From Industry Experts at the 74 TH ANNUAL LAURANCE REID GAS CONDITIONING CONFERENCE Feb. 2 6 -2 9 , 202 4

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The Laurance Reid Gas Conditioning Conference is an opportunity for engineers and those new to the gas processing industry to gain valuable knowledge and build relationships with industry experts. Register online at For questions, contact Lily Martinez at The University of Oklahoma is an equal opportunity institution. Printed at no cost to Oklahoma taxpayers.


PTQ Q1 2024

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