PTQ Q1 2024 Issue

The landscape of the petroleum refining industry has undergone a significant transformation in the aftermath of the global pandemic. The volatile and unpredictable nature of market demands post-pandemic has underscored the critical importance of adaptability for refineries. In this rapidly evolving environment, the ability to swiftly adjust production focus to meet changing market requirements has become paramount. The integration of Prime-G+ and GT-BTX PluS technologies offers refineries a unique solu- tion to address these challenges by providing built-in oper- ating flexibility. Challenges of current refineries Modern refineries are divided between those that empha- sise fuel production, particularly gasoline, and those that prioritise the maximisation of petrochemicals output. For gasoline-focused refineries, the octane number is a key determinant of profitability, with even marginal improve- ments translating to substantial gains. In developing countries, refineries are compelled to elevate gasoline specifications to meet Euro-5 standards while simultane- ously reducing sulphur levels to <1 ppm. The challenge lies in maintaining octane numbers while achieving such stringent sulphur reduction. Meanwhile, petrochemical- centric refineries seek efficient ways to convert gasoline into high-value petrochemical products while minimising investments. Combined technology in gasoline mode for gasoline production with max profitability The amalgamation of Prime-G+ and GT-BTX PluS technol- ogies introduces an innovative approach that yields impres- sive benefits. This combination entails the installation of a new GT-BTX PluS unit alongside an existing Prime-G+ unit Combining Prime-G+ and GT-BTX PluS to upgrade a refinery with crucial operating flexibility

Conclusion Based on the findings, it was concluded that the pumps were starting up fine and after operating a short time the accumulated debris shifted in the inside cone area of the backwards witches hat, impeding flow into the pump. When the pump was stopped, the debris fell to the bottom of the strainer, resulting in a lower pressure drop at start-up but with the debris ready to shift and more fully plug the pump’s inlet the next time the pumps were switched. Equipment performance problems can be difficult to diagnose. A thorough evaluation considering all possible causes is beneficial. Using the right engineering calcula- tion tool, such as Process Engineering ToolS software, to examine the process is imperative to assist in analysis and making correct decisions. In this case, the investigation prevented the replacement of a pump that was designed properly and process capable. Figure 4 Debris accumulated inside the backwards witches hat impeded flow into the pump

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arans P




lens O

Extractive distillation column (EDC)

Hydrocarbon feed

Solvent recovery column (SRC)

aphthenes N

romatics A

ulphurs S

Rich solvent


Lean solvent

Figure 1 GT-BTX PluS simplified process scheme


PTQ Q1 2024

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