PTQ Q1 2023 Issue








Scope 1 DIRECT



Purchased goods and services

Transportation and distribution

Company facilities


Leased assets

Purchased electricity, steam, heating & cooling for own use

Capital goods


Employee commuting

Processing of sold products

Fuel & energy related activities

Business travel

Leased assets

Company vehicles

Use of sold products End-of-life treatment of sold products

Transportation and distribution

Waste generated in operations

Upstream activities

Reporting company

Downstream activities


function and goal of an Emissions Reduction Roadmap Study, also known as a Marginal Abatement Cost Curve. Emissions reduction roadmap Figure 4 shows a typical representation of an Emissions Reduction Roadmap curve. Each idea studied as part of this roadmap effort is a coloured vertical bar. The vertical axis represents the estimated cost for that idea. Ideas with their bar extending downward from €0 represent an idea that not only reduces emissions but has a negative cost, so it is expected to deliver a profit to the refinery. The width of the bar (or progression along the horizontal axis) represents the estimated tonnage of CO₂ reduced for that idea or project. This roadmap shows just Scope 1 and 2 emissions. Scope 3 emissions can be included in the same curve, or in a separate curve. Constructing a roadmap is valuable as it provides the refiner with a plan to reduce emissions to meet stated objectives, and identifies which projects are expected to improve the facility’s economic performance. A likely strategy would be to implement the projects on Scope definitions Scope 1, commonly known as direct emissions, are produced as part of doing day-to-day business. These include emissions exiting process unit and heater stacks, emissions resulting from on-site generation of utilities, fugitive emissions from flanges and valves, and company vehicle emissions. Scope 2 emissions frequently are referred to as indi - rect emissions. These are associated with the genera- tion of energy needed to run a facility that is produced by and purchased from someone else.

the left-hand side of this curve to generate cash that can be used for financing those projects further to the right. One such project on the left-hand side of this curve (positive economic return and reduction in emissions) is the imple- mentation of the proprietary UOP RecoveryMax technol- ogy within the naphtha catalytic reforming unit. RecoveryMax for the catalytic reforming unit RecoveryMax is a bolt-on system in the naphtha catalytic reforming product recovery section (see Figure 5 ). It effi - ciently recovers more of the hydrogen, LPG and reformate from the off-gases that are a by-product of the process. Compared to a standard recontact design in a proprietary UOP Platforming unit, RecoveryMax can improve hydrogen recovery by 8 to 10%, LPG recovery by 25 to 30% and reformate production by 0.5 vol%. This allows better use of these valuable products and higher economic return. Beyond recovering more products, another RecoveryMax benefit is providing a positive contribution to reduced CO₂ emissions across a refining or petrochemical com - plex. Depending on the refinery’s hydrogen balance, the Scope 3 emissions arise primarily from the ultimate combustion of fuels a refinery produces and sells. Scope 3 also includes emissions associated with disposing of waste streams and emissions gener- ated when others fabricate, manufacture, and deliver such things as catalyst, specialty equipment, vessels, exchangers, and pumps on the facility’s behalf. Scope 3 encompasses everything upstream and downstream of the facility, making this the largest component of its carbon footprint.


PTQ Q1 2023

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