Decarbonisation Technology - August 2024 Issue

Optimising electrolytic hydrogen production

Power and process simulation and modelling can optimise the design and operations of electrolytic hydrogen projects

Dharmendra Umarnani Schneider Electric

E lectrolytic hydrogen is forecasted to play a key role in building a more sustainable, decarbonised future. Low-carbon hydrogen does not produce greenhouse gases and has the potential to aid the decarbonisation of hard-to-abate industries where direct electrification or other forms of renewable energy are not feasible. Here, electrolytic hydrogen can complement the phase-out of high-carbon fuels, especially in applications such as high-temperature heating. It may also be important for fuels of the future, such as sustainable aviation fuel (SAF). Clean hydrogen is garnering global support from governments and industries worldwide. For example, the Renewable Energy Directive

(RED II and RED III) in Europe set targets to increase electrolytic hydrogen use. This directive includes a requirement for electrolytic hydrogen projects to include additional renewable electricity capacity to assure users that the hydrogen is generated from renewable electricity (green hydrogen). In the US, the 2021 Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) is incentivising clean hydrogen production based on a carbon intensity that must be equal to or less than 2kg CO 2 eq/kg H 2 . Many countries, including some in Europe, have already started investing in multibillion initiatives such as the European Hydrogen Backbone (EHB) pipeline. With this worldwide interest in increasing hydrogen use, it is not unexpected that the green hydrogen

Storage - buer & backup Energy storage for buer, balance & green energy penetration

Grid - transmission & transition Integrating electronics into molecular process opti- misation

Source - upstream energy Green electronic energy sources like wind and solar

Load - energy consumption

Demand management through resilient process control

Engineering feasibility study

Model l ing



Flexibility management for the New Energy Landscape

Industrial applications with resilient demand management








Engineering Operation


Digital services


Figure 1 Green hydrogen project


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