Decarbonisation Technology - August 2024 Issue

Marginalised communities often bear the brunt of these pollutants. Carbon recycling can help mitigate these impacts by converting waste streams into valuable products and reducing local pollution. Economically, CCU offers a path to create value from waste streams, generating skilled and unskilled jobs in regions impacted by industrial emissions. This local empowerment can help address the social inequality exacerbated by climate change. While CCS focuses on storing captured carbon underground, CCU transforms it into valuable products. CCU technology can be implemented in locations without nearby sequestration options, providing a more flexible and economically viable solution. Conclusion The path to a circular carbon economy is not without challenges, but it is a journey we must undertake. To bring the circular carbon economy to life, embracing change is imperative. Public-private partnerships will be essential

to scale up carbon recycling technologies quickly. It is important to support a range of solutions, avoiding the temptation to wait for a ‘silver bullet’. Consumer education and mobilisation are crucial. Society must shift its perception of carbon from a harmful byproduct to a valuable manufacturing asset. The power of collective consumer demand can drive companies and governments toward more sustainable practices. Climate change is not just a wake-up call but an opportunity – a chance to reimagine the carbon economy, reduce emissions, and pave the way for a cleaner, more sustainable world. Together, we can transform the current trajectory and ensure a liveable planet for future generations. VIEW REFERENCES

Kit McDonnell Freya Burton

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Join us at the Opportunity Crudes Conference 2024 to navigate the evolving global crude market, shaped by geopolitical tensions, market shifts, and sustainability pressures. The conference theme is Crude Flexibility to Meet Energy Trilemma: Security, Affordability & Sustainability.

Our distinguished speakers from around the world will share their insights and expertise on four key topics: (1) Strategies Meeting the Energy Trilemma; (2) Ensuring Reliable Crude Supply and Blends Compatibility; (3) Quality of Cost-effective Grades and Processing Optimization; and (4) Low-carbon-intensity Oils, Alternative Feedstocks, and Petrochemical Production. Ask our experts in well-organized Q&A town hall meetings and exchange ideas with other attendees on the challenges and solutions of the energy trilemma.

Sponsors : Haverly Systems, Modcon Systems, Nalco Water & Southwest Research Institute Media Partners : Digital Refining & PTQ


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