Gas 2023 Issue

Industry standards From the outset, original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) have followed their own design specifications alongside those standards developed for the industry, which were effective at the time of construction and, to a large extent, are still valid today. However, upon studying the age of the reciprocating compressor population, it can be seen that, in many cases, these large, critical machines have never been replaced and have been in operation since their initial start-up date many decades ago. This is testament to their original build quality and the standards that were in place then. From the first edition of API 670, published in 1976, to the fourth edition in 2000, the focus was on the techni - cal requirements of centrifugal and axial compressors. In November 2014, the 5th edition was released with special guidelines around the monitoring and protection of recipro- cating compressors. The aim is to increase the availability, detectability, and monitoring of these compressors. Modern technology Traditionally, these tasks have been carried out by expert technicians deployed or trained by the OEM. However, with a global shortage of skilled technicians and the advent of digital technologies, remote support tools have been developed to minimise downtime and expedite repairs (see Figure 2 ). The use of digital services in the maintenance of reciprocating compressors has revolutionised how mainte- nance tasks are carried out. This is especially true for marine applications, where vessels can be at sea for extended peri- ods, making any repairs much more challenging. Remote support technology has enabled OEMs to pro- vide virtual hands-on expertise to their customers, reducing the need for skilled personnel to be on-site. The technology allows a specialist to guide a maintenance technician on- site and provide precise instructions, improving the speed and efficiency of the repair process. This is particularly valu - able in remote locations, where expert support may be dif- ficult to obtain, or in market segments where the required expertise is scarce. The advantages of remote support have been high- lighted by the global pandemic, which imposed stringent

travel restrictions, posing a significant challenge for on-site support. In addition, digital technologies are having a very positive impact on sustainability, reducing CO 2 emissions through reduced travel, especially flights. Digital improvements Digitalisation and Industry 4.0 have paved the way for improved diagnostics and communication, leading to the more efficient identification and resolution of problems. Companies have developed specialised digital solutions, such as machine monitoring, which can help to reduce both direct and indirect GHG emissions. They also include remote support software, predictive maintenance tools, and systems to calculate optimised servicing intervals, to deliver improved compressor availability and efficiency. Finally, the use of advanced analytics can also help to improve the accuracy of predicting service life between major overhauls. By analysing large amounts of data and learning from past maintenance events, advanced analyt- ics can help maintenance teams to more accurately predict when an overhaul is needed, reducing the risk of unplanned downtime and improving overall efficiency. Data security One of the most common concerns of large industrial com- panies looking to adopt predictive maintenance strategies is the security of their data and their wider process control systems. The use of cloud environments and connecting data historians to the internet can lead to some apprehen- sion about adopting advanced analytics solutions. From the outset, the priority of OEMs and those develop- ing these solutions is the absolute security of any digital connection and the integrity of the operator’s data. While specific machine data will be used to identify any potential issues with that equipment, it will be anonymised before being used in any wider analysis. It is important to understand that firewalls remain in place, and only secure connections are made between the machine and the cloud. The involvement of IT specialists both from the OEM and the operator is essential to allay any concerns about cyber security. Technology and soft- ware developed and certified according to the international cyber security standard IEC62443 help to set a common benchmark for cyber-secure devices widely accepted across industry. Remote support For its part, Burckhardt Compression has ensured that digital security was a primary focus in the development of its latest digital products, including UP! Remote Support, which offers immediate technical assistance wherever it is required. Using an ATEX-certified tablet and headset enables the technician on-site to communicate and receive instructions from engineering experts via a secure network connection. The use of live images and instant feedback cuts main- tenance time to an absolute minimum, reducing costs and ensuring technical support is always available. The technology also enables training to be delivered as well

Figure 2 Remote support tools have been developed to minimise downtime and expedite repairs


Gas 2023

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