Decarbonisation Technology - May 2024 Issue

makes the chemical industry a key contributor to the overall environmental footprint of its customers. In response, customers, who act as direct market forces, are demanding increased transparency and environmentally responsible practices from the chemical industry. Achieving considerable progress towards sustainability in the chemical industry requires a shift from conventional LCAs to LCAs at industrial scale that offer granular transparency on the product level for the entire product portfolio covering all environmental impact categories. This level of detail enables companies to identify environmental hotspots throughout the intricate value chain, make informed decisions about resource allocation and production processes, and, ultimately, develop more sustainable products. Furthermore, regulatory initiatives and growing customer pressure for transparency further emphasise the importance of accurate and comprehensive product-level environmental data. By embracing granular transparency, the chemical industry can manage the complexities of its global value chain while contributing to a more sustainable future. Dimension 2: Access for everyone who needs to know While achieving granular, product-level transparency establishes a solid foundation, its true value lies in empowering informed decision- making across the organisation and embedding sustainability in core business processes. Unlike traditional LCAs that often generate lengthy and complex reports inaccessible to non-LCA experts, LCAs at scale ensure that the data is readily available and comprehensible for a diverse range of stakeholders. Achieving sustainability goals within a company transcends departmental boundaries. It represents a complex issue that permeates every facet of the organisation, demanding a unified company-wide commitment and collaborative efforts. The interconnected nature of corporate operations implies that changes in one area can have cascading, unintended consequences in another. To foster responsible practices and reduce environmental impact, every department must understand its role and its contribution to the overall sustainability strategy. Therefore, sharing sustainability

Sales & marketing

R & D




Legal & tax


Figure 3 Accessibility of LCA data across all organisational departments

data across departments becomes crucial for fostering effective collaboration. Similar to how other critical corporate information, like quality or financial data, is disseminated, sustainability data, when readily accessible, acts as a common language. This shared understanding facilitates everyone’s comprehension of the company’s environmental footprint and pinpoints areas for improvement. Open information exchange further fosters a sense of shared responsibility. When everyone has access to the data, they can witness the environmental impact of their actions, motivating them to contribute meaningfully towards a more sustainable future for the company. This empowers stakeholders to elevate sustainability from a mere compliance obligation to a strategic driver. It propels meaningful cross-functional collaboration throughout the organisation, enabling smarter choices across every department (see Figure 3 ). Consider the transformative impact on procurement: Armed with easily accessible LCA data, procurement teams become catalysts for impactful supplier initiatives. Prioritising suppliers who utilise recycled materials or integrate renewable energy sources translates directly into a lower environmental footprint, minimised resource depletion, and further driving down the company’s Scope 3 emissions.


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