Decarbonisation Technology - May 2024 Issue

Similarly, the project development process may also be unfamiliar. Many heavy industries are more familiar with the approach of buying off-the-shelf type units or system components. In contrast, carbon capture units, especially amine- based ones, are typically bespoke designs that need to go through the This enables operators to optimise the system while minimising capital and operating costs. It also pre-FEED and FEED development steps.

Mining production is intrinsically linked with heavy CO2 emissions

combustion CO₂ capture. This technology is a bolt-on-the-back solution that can be deployed to capture CO₂ from the exhaust gas of almost any industrial process, from combined cycle gas turbines to coal power plants, to steel furnaces and cement kilns. Although this technology is often thought of as taking up a lot of space, requiring large columns and a significant amount of energy to run, it is well demonstrated. It can be both flexible and very versatile. It can be very challenging to determine which technology type is best suited to any given industry and specific site. This often requires feasibility studies to be undertaken comparing several options on a like-for-like basis. Engaging with experts is essential in ensuring companies gain an understanding of the nature of their emissions, enabling them to implement a decarbonisation roadmap and integrate solutions tailored to their needs. How can carbon capture unlock emissions reductions for these industries? Companies wishing to decarbonise are likely to have several technology vendors offering a range of suitable options. However, decision- makers must understand that these might not be their site’s only or best technology. For some of these industries, the most well-proven technology for post-combustion CO₂ capture, an amine wash system, is a significantly different type of unit to the existing processes on the site.

stops existing operations and the surrounding environment from being seriously impacted. The availability and cost of utilities can be another crucial factor in determining the most feasible and economic decarbonisation strategy for any given site. Different individual carbon capture technologies, across both pre- and post-combustion, require different quantities and types of utilities, which can be a key determining factor in selecting the best approach for a given existing site. For example, if a site needs to add heat and power provision where the only feasible solution is firing natural gas, then the CO₂ in the flue gas generated will likely be added to the flue gas of the base plant. This will invariably increase the capacity needed in the CO₂ capture unit while diluting the CO₂, which in some cases can impact the ideal capture technology selection. Selecting a CO₂ capture technology which only requires electrical power can be an attractive solution for such a site, as long as that power can be sourced in sufficient quantity, with a reliably low carbon footprint and at an economic price. Operators also have the option of fuel switching to low-carbon hydrogen, where production of blue hydrogen uses pre-combustion CO₂ capture. However, implementing this fuel switch will usually involve modifying the fuel system and burners. It will also require very careful assessments of the impact on heat transfer in each item of fired


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