Decarbonisation Technology - May 2024 Issue

Do you trust the security of your supply chain?

Link up with a supplier who can provide alternatives that the others can’t.

With Saint-Gobain NorPro, you can count on a secure supply of Accu™ spheres catalyst carriers, custom-made to your requirements. Our new spherical carriers can be prototyped for your intended application, making them ideal for fixed bed reactors or slurry and moving-bed reactors where coking occurs making constant regeneration essential. Accu spheres are the missing link in the demand for small diameter carriers which provide high-geometric surface area and even flow distribution. Spherical Catalyst Carriers Excellent Size Control with Unprecedented Formulation Flexibility.

Typical Size Distribution D50 can be anywhere between 0.5mm - 4.0mm

We oer new materials as carriers that were not previously available: • Narrow size distribution • Excellent control to average particle size • Control of porosity • Alumina, silica, titania, zirconia, zeolite, and mixed oxides

D 50

D 10

D 90

D 90

D 10

Span =

< 15 %

D 50

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