Decarbonisation Technology - May 2024 Issue

Why choose Johnson Matthey’s LCH technology for your H project

Highest process eciency and lowest levelised cost of hydrogen (LCOH) commercially available today

JM’s LCH technology process has a carbon intensity half that of the UK’s recent low - carbon hydrogen standard of ≤2.4 kg COe per kg H

JM’s LCH technology requires 10% less feedstock, with an estimated cost reduction of $294m compared to SMR + CCS plants, over 20 years

Figure 2 Combined with CCS technologies, JM LCH technology can capture and sequester up to 99% of the CO2

These plants are very large and demonstrate that the technology can produce low-carbon hydrogen at a large scale. The configuration of the JM LCH reactors allows maximum feedstock efficiency through efficient energy transfer. Importantly, when compared to other reforming technologies, all the CO2 is within the product stream and, therefore, at high pressure and purity, making it easy to remove using standard industry removal technologies. The ability to apply pre- combustion CO2 removal on a high CO2 partial pressure steam means that the Capex, Opex, and footprint of the system can be significantly reduced. This increases the ability to deploy the system on existing sites and decreases the levelised cost of hydrogen (LCOH) being produced from the system. Indeed, combined with CCS technologies, JM LCH technology can capture and sequester up to 99% of the CO2 . A single LCH train can generate 300 MW (lower heating value) of high-purity hydrogen. The quality of the hydrogen produced from the process makes it suitable for a wide range of applications spanning domestic, industrial, and future energy generation, including fuel cell vehicles. The solution’s versatility is further enhanced by its adeptness at matching varying demand patterns with impressive ramp rates and turndown capabilities. Conclusion Low-carbon hydrogen is an important element in the energy transition. Most hydrogen today is used by refineries to process crude fuels into refined fuels, to remove sulphur, and as a feedstock for ammonia and methanol

production. However, as well as reducing emissions in these processes, low-carbon hydrogen has a key role to play in decarbonising hard-to-abate sectors like steel production and glassmaking. Additionally, it helps in balancing power grids that are becoming increasingly dependent on renewables. Overall, ATR offers several advantages over conventional SMR processes, and its capability to combine with GHR technology makes it a highly versatile solution that suits the availability of local geological resources. Whichever option is appropriate for a market, the ATR process maximises the use of feedstocks to elevate hydrogen production capabilities, thereby lowering the levelised cost of hydrogen and minimising environmental impact. This makes the technology an economically viable and environmentally responsible solution for large-scale low-carbon hydrogen production today. With several low-carbon standards introduced across the globe (UK, US, and EU), minimising the process carbon intensity is of the utmost importance to help project developers achieve the highest possible incentives for their hydrogen plant. In terms of scale, cost, versatility, and carbon intensity, the JM LCH technology offers an attractive pathway to meet the rapidly increasing market demand for low- carbon hydrogen.

LCH is a trademark of Johnson Matthey.

Phil Ingram


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