Decarbonisation Technology - May 2024 Issue

LCH projects

 bp H2Teesside: The UK’s largest low-carbon hydrogen project

designed to operate at scale and enable carbon reduction for industry, dispatchable power, domestic heating, and transport. When compared to a conventional SMR, JM’s LCH technology demonstrated: • 10% lower natural gas consumption • 10% less CO 2 produced • 75% lower capital cost for the CO 2 capture system. The use of JM LCH technology de-risks a project by minimising the impact of increasing feedstock costs, increasing costs of carbon dioxide transmission and storage, or any governmental scheme for carbon taxation. ATRs are already used in the production of syngas in technologies such as methanol production.  Kellas Midstream and SSE’s H2Northeast in Teesside will contribute up to 10% of the UK’s hydrogen production capacity by 2030 Part of the East Coast Cluster (ECC), one of the UK’s first carbon capture, usage and storage clusters, the H2Northeast project aims to contribute up to 10% of the UK’s target 10 GW hydrogen capacity by 2030. Using JM’s LCH technology with a combined GHR and ATR flowsheet, the plant will produce 355 MW of low-carbon hydrogen per year beginning in 2028, increasing to over 1 GW by 2030. The hydrogen produced will be used to decarbonise power generation, industrial chemicals and for zero emissions transport.  Equinor H 2 H Saltend will slash local industrial emissions by up to 33% The Equinor H2h Saltend facility, near Hull, UK, will aim to make the Humber region, the UK’s most carbon-intensive industrial region, net zero by 2040. Using JM’s LCH technology, it will produce 600 MW of low-carbon hydrogen beginning in 2026. Nine hundred thousand tonnes of CO 2 per year, the equivalent of taking around 500,000 cars off the road annually, will be captured and stored in subsea aquifers. The project is part of Equinor’s ‘Hydrogen to Humber’ ambition to deliver 1.8 GW of low- carbon hydrogen production within the region, nearly 20% of the UK’s national 2030 target.

that can adapt to varying feedstocks and be deployed in large-scale applications (see Figures 1 and 2 ). The technology, based on proven units previously deployed in methanol and ammonia production, uses JM’s proprietary ATR, or GHR combined with ATR, technologies to create a higher hydrogen yield and greater energy efficiency than standard SMR technology for low-carbon hydrogen production. The process delivers a high CO 2 capture rate, high efficiency, and low- cost solution, providing significant benefits compared with SMR and alternative ATR technologies. The approach is based on established chemical process engineering,  EET’s HyNet will double the UK’s current production of biomethane Beginning in 2027, the EET HyNet plant, situated in Stanlow, UK, will use JM LCH technology to produce 350 MW of low- carbon hydrogen per year to decarbonise heavy industry in the region. The hydrogen produced will be used by Essar at its refinery and piped to other regional manufacturers, including Tata Chemicals and glassmakers Encirc and Pilkington. CO 2 will be piped for storage in gas fields under the sea in Liverpool Bay. Using JM LCH technology with combined GHR and ATR, bp’s H2Teesside project will support the UK in meeting its 2050 decarbonisation targets. Scheduled for Phase 1 completion in 2028, the plant will start producing 700 MW of low-carbon hydrogen per year for energy-related and industrial applications, with a target of more than 1.2 GW by 2030. The low-carbon hydrogen will replace natural gas consumption in Tees Valley, which accounts for 64% of total local CO 2 emissions, compared to 24% nationally. Two million tonnes of CO 2 will be captured and stored per year by the bp-led Northern Endurance Partnership.


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