PTQ Q1 2025 Issue

water in the final jet fuel product may cause the kerosene to have a ‘hazy’ appearance. The typical specification for jet fuel appearance is ‘clear and bright’. The solution was to offer a new transfer device FFC Plus, which worked by combining the advantages of Fiber Film Contactor with tra - ditional woven coalescer elements. An additional advantage of this equipment is that it can be installed in the same separation equipment without modification, where there was previously a traditional Fiber Film Contactor and possibly a downstream coalescing ele - ment. The difference was immediately apparent following start-up of the new equipment. The treating unit was pro - ducing on-specification kerosene with sufficient sulphur compound removal, and the appearance of the final jet fuel product was now clear and bright. Not only was the cus - tomer able to produce saleable product, but the recycle of off-specification material was significantly reduced.

All from one Source!

Solutions exist for mass transfer treating that meet the ever- changing needs of refiners and others to satisfy the tightening regulations on the fuels market

Duranit ® Catalyst Support Material

Support Plates/ Grids

Conclusion Mass transfer is a game-changer in client processes such as gas absorption, desorption, distillation, and extraction, among others. Technological innovation and advancements have optimised the performance of mass transfer equip - ment, making it more widely used in many processing and treating applications. These devices have been successfully used in many applications of liquid/liquid and gas/liquid extraction. In utilising low differential pressure, high surface area mass transfer devices instead of legacy high differential pressure shear devices, the size of treating units is reduced, operations and performance are greatly improved, and more stringent requirements are easily met. Solutions exist for mass transfer treating that meet the ever-changing needs of refiners and others to satisfy the tightening reg - ulations on the fuels market. The goal for any end user is to determine the right type of mass transfer equipment for their service. FIBER FILM, FFC Plus, THIOLEX, and REGEN are marks of Merichem Technologies. Mark Knobloch is Technical Services Manager for Merichem Technologies, overseeing engineering specialists and providing tech - nical service support for pre-commissioning, start-up, and ongoing support of Merichem Technologies’ licensed treating processes. He holds a BS in chemical engineering from the University of Texas, Austin. Knobloch is a certified PHA leader from the Process Safety Institute, has several standard safety certifications, and is a Registered Professional Engineer with the State of Texas. Email:

Droplet Separators / Demisters

Feed Devices: Gas / Liquids

Liquid distributors / Collectors

Random Packings - Ceramic

- Metall - Plastic

Software and Consulting

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