PTQ Q2 2022 Issue

a commitment to ensure high cat- alyst quality to maximise perfor- mance and reliability. The European refiner operated the DHT unit in two modes: 1 ULSD mode by processing a blend of light gasoil (75 wt%), heavy gasoil (3 wt%), vacuum gas- oil (2 wt%), and cracked gasoil (20 wt%). 2 Heating oil mode by processing a blend of light gasoil (20 wt%), heavy gasoil (45 wt%), vacuum gas- oil (15 wt%), and cracked gasoil (20 wt%). As a result, the unit was able to process a blend of light and vac- uum gasoil with coker distillate to produce two grades of final prod - uct. The unit achieved the projected cycle length while reducing catalyst expense. A summary of the feed and operating conditions is shown in Table 4 . The rejuvenated NiMo catalyst provided high HDN activity com - bined with deep HDS levels to han - dle the high nitrogen concentration in the feed blends. The primary objectives of the hydrotreater were: • To produce ULSD, targeting a product sulphur of 11 ppmw • To produce heating oil, targeting a product sulphur of 55 ppmw The rejuvenated catalyst gave this European refiner the expected per - formance while enabling substantial cost savings versus loading fresh catalyst. This unit successfully pro- duced on-specification product for both modes throughout the cycle, with Excel NiMo on par with the previous cycle loaded with fresh alternative NiMo catalyst. The nor- malised weighed average bed tem- perature (WABT) for both cycles is shown in Figure 9 . Conclusions Excel rejuvenated NiMo catalyst, as a standalone, demonstrated slightly better hydrogenation activ - ities (HDS, HDN, and HDA) than its parent fresh under high severity ULSD conditions operating with 50% of cracked feed. Rejuvenated catalyst can offer a good alterna - tive to fresh catalyst by loading it as a full reactor or as stacked beds with fresh and reducing the fill cost without affecting the unit’s
















TOS (day)

Volume Gain : Fresh NiMo Volume Gain : Excel NiMo

Density : Fresh NiMo Density : Excel NiMo

Volume Gain : 30% Excel NiMo / 70% Fresh NiMo Volume Gain : 70% Fresh NiMo / 30% Excel CoMo Volume Gain : 70% Excel NiMo / 30% Excel CoMo

Density : 30% Excel NiMo / 70% Fresh NiMo Density : 70% Fresh NiMo / 30% Excel CoMo Density : 70% Excel NiMo / 30% Excel CoMo

Figure 6 Volume swell for all catalyst configurations


30% Excel NiMo / 70% Fresh NiMo 70% Fresh NiMo / 30% Excel CoMo 70% Excel NiMo / 30% Excel CoMo

Fresh NiMo Excel NiMo









TOS (day)

Figure 7 C 5 + yield for all catalyst configurations

activities and poly-aromatics hydro- genation. The feed and operating conditions were carefully evaluated to optimise catalyst system design and simultaneously meet multi- ple unit objectives. Throughout the technical evaluation, there was

Example of a commercial run Evonik provided the same Excel rejuvenated NiMo catalyst to help the refinery extend its hydropro - cessing unit cycle until the next turnaround.⁴ The catalyst was pro - posed to maximise HDS/HDN

54 PTQQ 2 2022

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