PTQ Q3 2024 Issue

H make-up reduced purity - CO/CO & light ends built-up

Recycle gas

Recycled compressed gas

Gas compressor

Reactor euent

03 out

01 out

02 out

Sweet gas

AA sour gas


Hex 01

Hex 02

Hex 03

Lean amine

S-2 S-3

Rich amine

04 out

05 out

06 out

Amine absorber

Intermittent wash water

Alkaline stress corrosion cracking

Hex 04

Hex 05

Hex 06


Flash tank

Continuous ww inj. mixer


AA rich amine

09 out ww

10 out

07 out

08 out

09 out

AC01 out

10 out

HP sep. sour gas

Diesel stripper condensate


Hex 10

Intermittent ww inj. mixer


Hex 07

Hex 08

Hex 09

HP separator

Diesel stripper OVHDs

Light ends increase


CO 2 build-up

Continuous injection system

DS OVHD coolers

DS OVHD receiver

HP separator HC

LP separator

HP separator water

To diesel stripper

NHCl corrosion & fouling risk

Tail gas

Diesel stripper


DS water

HP separator water

LP separator HC

Wild naphtha

Diesel product

Stripping steam

Water to SWS

LP separator water

HP separator water to SWS

Increased water production

Lower density & increased cetane number

Figure 1 OLI Flowsheet ESP – 50% POME – ionic survey

load (such as organic and inorganic chlorides by means of a pretreatment system or a quality control system of the feedstock). Alternatively, two new intermittent wash water injec- tion facilities should be installed upstream of HEX 06 and HEX 07, providing that the co-processing is intermittently operated. The material of construction (MoC) for piping and tube bundles should be upgraded from carbon steel or stainless steel to a corrosion-resistant alloy (CRA) to with- stand chloride water corrosion during intermittent washing. Additionally, intermittent water injection should be as close to the continuous water injection point as possible to mini- mise the impacts of the intermittent washing procedure on unit operation. Furthermore, the issues of ASCC and CO₂ build-up in the amine absorber, as well as the increase

in light ends, continue to be a concern, necessitating an upgrade of the current metallurgy. General corrosion risk A corrosion risk assessment was conducted using OLI Studio’s proprietary Stream & Corrosion Analyser to eval- uate the suitability of MoC with the new configuration for the intermittent and continuous new wash water injection facilities to be installed upstream of HEX 06 and HEX 07. The Corrosion Analyser, a first principles corrosion pre - diction tool, was used to perform the corrosion analysis. It is used to predict the rate of general corrosion, the propensity of alloy to undergo localised corrosion (pitting), depletion profiles of heat-treated alloys, and thermodynamic stability of metals and alloys.



Corrosion rate (mm/yr) pH (Y2)












Temperature (˚C)

Figure 2 HEX 06 outlet to HEX 07 outlet – corrosion rate – carbon steel


PTQ Q3 2024

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