PTQ Q3 2024 Issue


3 Capturing high ROI when producing SAF Rene Gonzalez 5 ptq&a 15 Hydrogen recovery from ROG Part 2: membrane separation and compression Zach Foss Divigas 21 Navigating corrosion challenges in column overhead systems Rodolfo Tellez-Schmill and Soni Malik KBC (A Yokogawa Company) Ezequiel Vicent OLI Systems 27 Ultra-low entrainment spray nozzles for use in packing wash applications Alejandro Lago and Ashwin Patni Lechler Inc. 35 Hybrid model of gasoline blend Gadi Briskman, Ariel Kigel and Tom Rosenwasser Modcon-Systems Ltd. 41 Co-processing renewable feeds in hydrodesulphurisation units: Part 2 Cristian S Spica OLI Systems 49 Transforming packed column efficiency Shwu Tyng Goh and Thomas Linder Sulzer Chemtech 53 Controlling FCC SOx emissions with SOx reduction additive technology Hongbo Ma, Xunhua Mo, Marie Goret-Rana, Charles Kanyi and Carl Keeley Johnson Matthey 59 Sour gas and liquid treatments: Sulphur recovery and removal Cyndie Fredrick Merichem Technologies 63 Data-driven approach to steam-to-carbon ratio optimisation for the HGU Mert Akçin, İbrahim Bayar, Berkay Er, Gizem Kayar Öcal and Muratcan Özpınar SOCAR Turkey 71 Carbon cost driving refineries to rethink fired heater specifications Shilpa Singh and Rupam Mukherjee Engineers India Limited 77 Deactivation of FCC catalysts Warren S Letzsch Warren Letzsch Consulting PC 82 Blue hydrogen a low-carbon energy carrier: Part 2 Himmat Singh Scientist & Advisor 89 Technology in Action

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