production of lubricating oils is concentrated in Group I and II oils. As aforementioned, Brazilian production is car- ried out by two refineries that apply the solvent route. A third Brazilian refinery is capable of producing naphthenic lubricating oils for specific markets as isolators for electrical equipment. Conclusion As discussed, despite the high capital investment needed for hydroprocessing units, the higher added value of Group II and III lubricants and the growing market can justify the investment when considering the trend in the reduction of global transportation fuels demand. Due to accelerated tech - nological development, especially in the automotive market, Group I lubricant oils will lose market share, compelling refin - ers to explore capital investment that aims to sustain their competitiveness in the lubricants market. Another side effect for lubricant producers using the sol - vent route is the loss of competitiveness, resulting in a need to increase lubricant imports to supply the internal market. This leads to an external dependence on critical production input as well as a negative impact on the balance of pay - ments. Another positive factor of the lubricant market is the recycling capacity of the base oils, which can help refiners reach desired circularity in the downstream sector, which helps improve sustainability in the fossil fuels sector. Bibliography ANP (Brazilian Petroleum Agency), Oil, Natural Gas and Biofuels Statis- tical Yearbook 2020 , 2020. -
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