Decarbonisation Technology - February 2022 Issue

to optimise their infrastructure, business models, and carbon accounting procedures concurrently. Although there are many disparate areas to address to achieve the stringent decarbonisation goals international regulators have imposed, fuel producers should consider all eight decarbonisation dimensions. In short, oil and gas companies must include: • A digital strategy that enables and supports an evolved business strategy that includes decarbonisation • An integrated asset, operational, and carbon data management enabled by an agnostic and open operational data management platform with real- time decision support • A layered approach to analytics that includes an asset, operational, and decarbonisation data management with integrated SME-configured streaming analytics as a foundation to effective cloud-based advanced analytics tools with bidirectional integration • Laying the foundation for optimal asset, operational, and carbon data use in advanced models and analytics, including the operationalisation of results in lower level streaming analytics – a layered approach to analytics from the edge to the cloud • Be ready to operate the plants of the future, as aligned with all ESG and sustainability requirements. Addressing any of the common dimensions of decarbonisation is difficult, but addressing many of them at once is more difficult still. Ultimately, the core of any comprehensive plan to cut carbon emissions must be solid operational and carbon data management combined with smart operational data insights from a layers of analytics strategy. Moreover, because so much of this information is already readily available as operational asset data, companies should seek to tightly integrate – rather than accumulating new, disparate systems – their carbon and operational data management, as well as add more advanced capabilities by diversifying their digital toolset.

For example, users can see real-time pump efficiency with head versus flow in real time against the design pump curve in the engineering digital twin. Effective decarbonisation requires a more effective approach to the use of analytics Most oil and gas companies are failing to capture expected returns on advanced analytics and digital transformation efforts. While IT teams are attempting to develop and deploying digital twins, machine learning, and advanced analytics tools, many lack the right underlying asset and operations data management and analytics strategies to enact scalable, transformative, and sustainable decarbonisation. The right asset and operational data foundation begins with an operations data management platform that provides tag and asset naming abstraction into a standardised company lexicon, normalisation of units of measure, and contextualisation with a self-serve user expertise. Akin to the financial chart of accounts that provides the go-to source for financial intelligence, the operational data management platform is the operational chart of accounts, providing the singular location for operational intelligence. A critical but often lacking analytics strategy is using ‘layers of analytics’ with SME-configured streaming analytics, events, and notifications integral to the operational data platform, which provide foundational levels of self-serve analytical capabilities that create the operational intelligence. Once the operations data platform (commonly referred to as ‘OT’) with self-serve streaming analytics is in place, companies can feed IT decarbonisation applications and associated advanced analytics and AI with validated, accurate, real-time operations intelligence to maximise ROI. When oil and gas companies successfully bidirectionally integrate OT and IT using operations data management with self-serve streaming analytics, events, and notifications, they lay the groundwork for an effective and sustainable decarbonisation strategy from the edge to the cloud. Conclusion As regulators slash subsidies and incentives across the oil and gas industry, to remain competitive fuel producers need new strategies

Craig Harclerode VIEW REFERENCES


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