Decarbonisation Technology - August 2023 Issue

the same time reducing utility consumption and lowering carbon emissions. Upgrade lower value streams A similar application of the extractive distillation process, GT-BTX, can also be used to revamp existing aromatic extraction units with higher capacity, lower utility consumption, and more robust operation. Another one of Sulzer’s customers, also in PADD3, has an existing unit that produces low-quality benzene and toluene. The toluene is sent to the gasoline pool to be sold as fuel. With a revamp using GT-BTX, it will be possible for this refiner to separate the C₆ non-aromatics, which will debottleneck the existing equipment. They will also be able to recover a high-value nitration-grade toluene with improved margin. The revamp, highlighted in Figure 5 , will shift the product yield slate such that the total Renewable Volume Obligation (RVO) requirements, and the corresponding Renewable Identification Number (RIN) purchase requirement, will be reduced. More SAF with BioFlux technology Sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) is currently the leading pathway to decarbonise the aviation sector. Most SAF today is produced by hydrotreating triglyceride or fatty acid-based feedstocks. BioFlux technology was developed to offer superior hydrotreating performance for biomass-based fuels. The process (see Figure 6 ) operates using a liquid full reactor, where all hydrogen necessary for the reactions is dissolved into the feed at the reactor inlet. A portion of the reactor effluent is recycled to be mixed with the feed, providing both a diluent for carrying more hydrogen and a heat sink for controlling the reaction exotherm. The reactor design maximises volumetric flux, and the proprietary reactor internals ensure that the feed and hydrogen are completely mixed and evenly distributed for complete catalyst wetting. Additional advantages of BioFlux also include: • Higher liquid yield by eliminating over- cracking to undesirable products • Efficient hydrogen and thermal management • Lower capital and operating expense by using liquid recycle only instead of a gas recycle • Lower carbon intensity.


Pretreated feed

O - gas


To isomerisation

Figure 6 BioFlux reaction zone

A major energy company in Southeast Asia, well-established in oleochemicals and methyl ester biodiesel markets, has been operating a single-stage hydrotreating unit with only deoxygenation. Until now, the hydrodeoxygenation (HDO) product has been blended into the biodiesel. Sulzer is providing BioFlux isomerisation technology as a modular unit, which will add both a dewaxing function to produce hydrogenated vegetable oil (HVO) to European specifications and the functionality to crack the product for increased production of SAF. This enables the producer to increase the value of the HVO product and generate a SAF market using a low-CI process. sustainable. With decarbonisation at our core, Sulzer Clean Fuels and Chemicals Licensing provides technologies that optimise production capacity and reduce operating cost while minimising environmental impact. Our unique offerings are ideal for helping refiners reduce their carbon footprint and achieve their decarbonisation goals. Your partner in sustainability At Sulzer, we aim to contribute to an environment that is safer and more

BioFlux, GT-BTX, GT-BTX PluS, GT-LPG Max, and TECHTIV are trademarks of Sulzer Chemtech.

Matthew Clingerman


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