Decarbonisation Technology - August 2023 Issue

Clean ue gas to atmosphere

CO for use or sequestration

Improved steam reforming

Gas heated reformer

Hydrogen product


Shift CO capture PSA


H enriched fuel gas

Figure 3 Option 2: BlueSMR+ (with catalyst tube revamp) pre-combustion carbon capture plus furnace revamp

blower is required to push the CO₂-rich stream through the capture system. The potential degree of decarbonisation may be constrained by the original design of the existing hydrogen unit, depending on its age. Therefore, the benefits of this solution will vary, and careful study is needed to confirm its appropriateness for any specific asset. However, the implementation cost associated with this solution is significantly lower than the reference case (see Table 2 ). Since all the above equipment must be integrated within the hydrogen unit, the major disadvantage of this solution is the need to put it out of service for a significant amount of time (approximately 10 months). This may not be possible if the asset does not have a back-up hydrogen source to support critical processes

like hydrotreating or hydrocracking during this time. Option 2: BlueSMR+ (with catalyst tube revamp) This solution (see Figure 3 ) is mostly based on the same modifications studied for the previous case but also considers the revamp of the existing reaction section of the reforming furnace with an improved catalyst tube geometry. While this brings additional investment, and the implementation time is very similar to option 1, this does have the potential for reduced operating cost. Table 3 summarises the key parameters of this solution. Option 3: BlueSMRp This solution (see Figure 4 ) utilises Wood’s proprietary BlueSMRp technology. The ‘p’ stands for ‘parallel’, and the name is quite descriptive of what the system does. In summary, a small hydrogen production unit equipped with a pre-combustion carbon capture system is installed in parallel to the existing one and produces the low-carbon fuel to be fired in the steam reforming furnace of the existing unit. The ‘parallel’ is decarbonised by nature, while the existing one becomes decarbonised through firing a low-carbon fuel/ hydrogen-enriched gas.

Clean ue gas to atmosphere

Steam reforming

Hydrogen product




PSA tail gas


CO for use or sequestration

Figure 4 Option 3: BlueSMRp new parallel hydrogen unit with pre-combustion carbon capture installed in parallel to existing unit

H 2

CO 2

Carbon impact 1

CO 2

Capex 2

Lead time

Down time

Opex 2,3



[gCO 2 eq/MJH 2 ]

KgCO 2 /kgH 2















Table 3 Option 2: BlueSMR+ (with catalyst tube revamp) pre-combustion carbon capture plus furnace revamp – carbon capture efficiency and investment metrics


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