Decarbonisation Technology - August 2023 Issue

• Where are the high-risk locations on the pipeline, and will that segment need to be repaired or replaced? When designing static equipment that will be used for hydrogen production, storage, or transportation, numerous codes, standards, and recommended practices may be used or referenced. For high-pressure vessels, ASME Section VIII Divisions 2 and 3 are often utilised, and Division 3 provides special requirements for vessels in hydrogen service. For static hydrogen transportation, ASME B31.12 is explicitly

Robert Ohmes Nathan Barkley Mike Annon Greg Zoll Jessica Hofmann

written to address engineering requirements for the safe design, construction, operation, and maintenance of hydrogen piping and pipelines. Other references that may be applicable to hydrogen service are provided in Table 3 . Takeaways and conclusions In summary, hydrogen will play a key role in the energy transition. Expanding this option will require significant capital investment, further adoption of low-carbon hydrogen usage on the demand side, and retention of reliable and safe asset operations. Competition for scarce renewable resources will impact how much further hydrogen is used within a decarbonised economy. Given the scale of these changes, the certainty of hydrogen achieving the target production and usage goals is not a foregone conclusion. Part Two article In Part Two of this series, we will expand the discussion to examine the economic and regulatory components of the hydrogen economy supply chain. In addition, the five critical questions that should be asked and answers will be defined and addressed.

Moving big things to zero with five key technologies After 250 years engineering complex systems, we are ready for our biggest challenge: reducing emissions for essential industries. Our solutions are based on five technologies: producing green fuels in large volumes, making new engines to run on green fuels, retrofitting existing engines, capturing and processing CO 2 , and decarbonizing heat generation with heat pumps. Moving big things to zero is a big task but we have the experience, the technology, and the passion

to get the job done.

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