Decarbonisation Technology May 2022 Issue

achievable carbon reduction goals. This could be against a series of interim milestones and time horizons as you approach the overall goal of meeting a net-zero objective. What do you need? Assess - informed decision-making to pick the right projects When considering the technologies, projects, or asset modifications that can be adopted to achieve decarbonisation goals, the range of opportunities can be bewildering. From automation or advanced process control technologies to help improve operational performance and reduce energy consumption through to large-scale capital projects in carbon capture or hydrogen production, how do you decide which opportunities are the right ones for your business or asset? The Decarbonisation SCORE methodology can be applied to single or multiple assets, to a client’s full asset portfolio, or across a specific geography or region using an evaluation assessment of opportunities to: Substitute - substitution of fuel or feedstocks (raw material to supply or fuel a machine or industrial process) consumed for renewable or less intensive sources. Substitution can include solutions such as switching electricity provision to a renewable source or considering the use of renewable and biofeedstocks in the production of fuels and chemical products. In some sectors, for example aviation fuels, bio-alternatives represent the biggest opportunity to meet carbon reduction goals, while next-generation technologies (such as hydrogen-fuelled aircraft) are being developed as potential longer-term solutions. Capture - employing carbon capture technologies, or emissions control technologies, to substantially reduce or eliminate harmful emissions to the atmosphere. There is a wide range of carbon capture technologies available, from traditional post-combustion absorption through to pre- combustion or oxy-fuelled technologies. Many technology providers are starting to commercialise proprietary amine solutions,

or novel technology concepts, to help drive down the cost of implementing carbon capture projects. In any technology evaluation, it is important to consider technology evolution as well as the full CO 2 value chain from capture through transportation to ultimate end use or sequestration options. Offset - considering assets or product portfolios across a country or company-wide scale to achieve decarbonisation/clean air goals, alongside the potential for offsetting investments or potentially carbon credit trading. Offsetting is a topic discussed frequently within industry and environmental groups, and it is very important to consider that any actions taken in this regard cannot be identified as ‘greenwashing’. Offsetting is an opportunity that should be addressed as a solution for residual carbon emissions once technically and commercially feasible solutions have been implemented. Often assumed to be related only to carbon credit trading, offsetting can take many forms. It can include investment in natural climate solutions (for example, afforestation) or technologies like direct air capture (DAC), as well as the potential for carbon credit purchases or trading. Reduce - looking at holistic asset optimisation, considering areas around energy efficiency, digitalisation, and operations and maintenance best practice. Often the best place to start a decarbonisation journey is to consider opportunities to improve the performance of your existing assets. A review of energy optimisation opportunities across an asset can identify additional benefits, such as yield improvement, which can not only reduce operating costs but also have a positive impact on margins. Solutions for reducing energy consumption and, therefore, CO 2 emissions can vary from identifying best practice operational practices, deploying the latest control or automation technologies, and low-cost projects to make the most of heat integration opportunities (and many other potential solutions). Evaluate - whatever your decarbonisation journey, it is important to apply a structured


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