Refining India 2024 Conference Newspaper

refining india 2024 Enhancing refinery sustainability with EmulsionSENS in desalter operations

David Williams BERTHOLD

improving level control within desalters, this technology enables better operational con- trol, leading to reduced energy consumption and increased efficiency.  Prevention of fouling and corrosion: EmulsionSENS facilitates better level con- trol, which minimises the carryover of salts, minerals, and metals, thereby reducing foul- ing in critical heat exchange equipment and furnace tubes. This not only decreases fuel consumption in downstream processing units but also extends the longevity of key refinery components by mitigating corro- sion in piping and vessels caused by acids formed from salt carryover.  Long-term sustainability benefits: Strategic implementation of EmulsionSENS technology not only contributes to immedi- ate cost savings but also aligns with global trends toward more energy-efficient and environmentally-friendly industrial practices. By reducing energy requirements, enhancing operational efficiency, and minimising envi- ronmental impact, this technology plays a crucial role in enhancing refinery sustainabil- ity and aligning with broader industry goals.

In the continuous pursuit of optimising refin- ery efficiency and sustainability, the inte- gration of advanced instrumentation plays a pivotal role. Berthold’s EmulsionSENS tech- nology, when applied to desalter units in refineries, represents a significant advance- ment in controlling the separation process of crude oil from its entrained salts, miner- als, and metals. In our presentation, we will explore the application of this technology in refining operations, focusing on its capabil- ity to enhance level control within desalters, thereby enabling better operational con- trol. Traditionally, achieving the necessary separation temperatures requires substan- tial energy consumption; however, with improved level control, the operational tem- perature can be significantly reduced. Further, we will discuss how the improved level control provided by EmulsionSENS minimises the carryover of salts, miner- als, and metals. This reduction is crucial as it decreases the fouling of critical heat exchange equipment and furnace tubes, a common challenge in refineries. This leads to increased fuel consumption in downstream processing units due to higher normal firing temperatures to counteract the effects of

Oil Emulsion Water


Berthold’s EmulsionSENS technology

Attendees will gain an understanding of how strategic implementation of this technology can play a crucial role in enhancing refinery sustainability, aligning with global trends towards more energy-efficient and environ- mentally-friendly industrial practices. Three Takeaways from the abstract  Enhanced efficiency through advanced instrumentation: The integration of Berthold’s EmulsionSENS technology in refinery desalter units represents a sig- nificant advancement in optimising crude oil separation processes. By focusing on

fouling or loss of efficiency due to poor recov- ery of energy in heat exchangers. By address- ing these challenges, EmulsionSENS not only contributes to immediate cost savings but also bolsters the overall sustainability of refinery operations by reducing energy requirements and enhancing the longevity of key refinery components. We will also discuss other potential sav- ings, such as the reduction of corrosion in piping and vessels due to acids formed from salts carried over from the desalter, as well as increased catalyst life due to the reduc- tion of poisonous metals such as iron (Fe).



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