refining india 2024
Advancing carbon capture for mass deployment across industries
Liv Lønne Dille and Hans Wilhelm Gullestad Technology Centre Mongstad (TCM)
Technology Centre Mongstad (TCM) is an extensive and flexible test centre for devel- oping CO₂ capture technologies and a com- petence centre for carbon capture. It is advancing carbon capture for a cleaner and greener future by bridging the gap between technology developers, sci- ence, and industrial application of CO₂ technologies. The main objective of the cen- tre is to test, verify, and demonstrate differ- ent technologies related to cost-efficient and industrial-scale CO₂ capture. The goal is to facilitate the advancement of carbon capture technology for mass deployment across industries. TCM is an important part of Norway’s contribution to mitigating cli- mate change. Nestled within Alver, bordering the Austrheim municipality, the centre is close to Equinor’s oil refinery, from which it receives CO₂-rich flue gas for testing a diverse array of technologies. Since its inception in 2012, the centre has conducted 23 test campaigns as of the beginning of 2024. These campaigns, predominantly orchestrated by technology suppliers, encompass both proprietary ini- tiatives and open-ended, research-driven endeavours lasting up to six months. Within TCM’s infrastructure, the amine plant serves as a proving ground for mature tech- nologies, representing the final phase of development before integration into full- scale capture plants. Conversely, the site for emerging technologies provides a plat- form for pioneering experiments with nas- cent technologies. Sixty people work across depart- ments specialising in technology, oper- ations, business development, and administration. Ownership and financing are divided among the Norwegian state (34%) by Gassnova, Equinor, Shell, and TotalEnergies, each holding equal shares. TCM upholds stringent health, safety, envi- ronment, and quality (HSEQ) standards. Comprehensive contractual agreements underpin each test campaign, delineating emission permits and procedural commit- ments aimed at ensuring a secure working environment.
project. Its mission is to help industries achieve their CO₂ capture targets and mit- igate the threat of global overheating. For Indian technology developers, the centre offers high technological advance- ment potential at low financial risk by test- ing and verifying carbon capture technology at its amine plant or site for emerging tech- nologies ahead of full-scale application. It gives access to instrumentation, analytics, engineers, and operators at an experienced facility operating carbon capture plants. The centre provides industrial testing with flue gas sources in a single purpose-built facility with 24/7 operations. For Indian project developers/emitters, the centre can lower risk investment via its advisory services founded on key learnings from operating a 100,000 t/yr facility for 12 years. It can guide you on emissions monitor- ing and permits, flue gas characterisation, solvent and waste handling, maintenance learnings, winterisation, preliminary design, and cost estimations. TCM brings opera- tional expertise in Hazard and Operability (HAZOP), operator training, and more. Also, it participates in problem-solving during fea- sibility and feed studies and after the com- missioning of full-scale projects. TCM is committed to knowledge dissemination, leveraging insights gleaned from open test campaigns to contribute to the global discourse on carbon capture and storage
Technology Centre Mongstad (TCM) is a test centre developing CO₂ capture
TCM’s amine plant serves as a proving ground for mature technologies
tions to its credit, TCM’s experts command significant recognition within the interna- tional CCS community. The centre is pivotal in advancing CCS as a key tool in the battle against climate change, with notable contributions, includ- ing support for the Norwegian Longship
Beyond its core function of technology testing and consultancy services, the cen- tre is committed to knowledge dissemina- tion, leveraging insights gleaned from open test campaigns to contribute to the global discourse on carbon capture and storage (CCS). With more than 60 scientific publica-
May 2024 Decarbonisati n Technolo gy Powering the Transition to Sustainable Fuels & Energy
Powering the transition to sustainable fuels and energy
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29/04/2024 12:37:10
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