Zeolite crystalli s ation
Synergies maximise value in application
Mesopori s ation
Catalyst making
Figure 5 Overview of mesoporisation in the zeolite catalyst supply chain
Productivity (kg/m/h)
Waste water (L/kg)
Cost chemicals (USD/kg)
to crystallise zeolites with a boosted external surface (hence small crys- tals). For example, mesoporous zeolites can be made from very inexpensive large-crystal zeolites. As Zeopore’s mesoporisation costs are low, a family of tunable mes- oporous zeolites can be obtained from a single large crystal parent zeolite at a fraction of the cost com- pared to such nanozeolites. In catalyst development, a key role is played by the interaction of the binder (and other matrix com- ponents) with the external surface of the zeolite. This external surface is amplified and tunable (hydropho - bic versus hydrophilic, for example) by mesoporisation. Accordingly, Zeopore enables a considerable synergy of mesoporisation and cat- alyst making. The latter has proven equally true for much more efficient metal deposition (vide infra). Fluidised bed catalytic cracking The largest market potential for mesoporous zeolite catalysts can be found in fluidised bed catalytic cracking (FCC), where benefits are attained from an increased bottoms conversion, reduced coke forma- tion, higher middle distillate and olefin yields, and more qualitative products. In enhancing the accessibility of the faujasite zeolites used in FCC catalysts, the primary challenge is to do so in a cost-effective manner. Equally important is retaining the hydrothermal stability required to withstand the demanding regenera- tion cycle. By working on the low-cost NaY zeolite and exploring synergies in (rare-earth-free) stabilisation, Zeopore has developed a platform
Std mesopori s ation
Figure 3 Key process parameters comparing Zeopore’s processes to standard mesoporisation practices
Mesopori s ation at dierent scales
Gram scale
Kilogram scale
Industrial scale at third party
Figure 4 Scale-up trajectory of mesoporisation leading up to an industrial trial. With increasing scale, the efficiency of the process increases and the standard deviation on product specs decreases
Conventional Std mesopori s ation Zeopore
Microporosity Mesoporosity
Figure 6 Porous properties of faujasite zeolites prepared via conventional methods (orange), standard mesoporisation (grey), and Zeopore (blue)
46 Catalysis 2022
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