PTQ Q4 2024 Issue

R&R portion focuses on minimising fuel gas and maximis- ing the slide valve to push the riser temperature to its high limit, with faster response tuning to manage reactor and heater constraints. Alternatively, the main fractionator sec- tion is designed to maximise naphtha draw and then LCO production, with a response speed that is 2.5 times slower than the reactor regenerator. This is due to the longer time required to stabilise the composition control. The economic function’s priority ranking ensures it oper- ates efficiently within the broader control system, balanc - ing economic optimisation with normal controlled variable constraints and RTO targets. This strategic tuning and pri- oritisation enable PACE to deliver superior economic per- formance and process efficiency at the Deer Park refinery. Summary In conclusion, the Pemex Deer Park refinery in Houston, Texas, significantly enhanced its operations by implement - ing advanced control and estimation technologies. This case study highlights substantial improvements in opera- tor efficiency and productivity, resulting in tighter control over critical parameters. For example, the regenerator bed temperature standard deviation was reduced from 4.7 to 1.7, and the naphtha final boiling point standard devia - tion decreased by 1.2. These improvements have not only boosted the refinery’s profitability but also aligned control objectives with economic and scheduling priorities. By simplifying and enhancing operations, the refinery improved unit throughput and optimised production. The

real advantages came from tight control over the reactor regenerator side and main fractionator product separa- tion. Overall, implementing advanced technology solutions has demonstrated significant benefits to help the refinery meet the rising global demand for light oils. This case study exemplifies the capacity of such systems to drive profitabil - ity, align with strategic objectives, and enable refineries to thrive in an evolving energy landscape. References 1 J.P. Morgan Research, Will oil prices keep rising? 2 Nov 2023, www. 2 Oloruntoba A, Zhang Y, Hsu C S, State-of-the-art review of fluid cat - alytic cracking (FCC) catalyst regeneration intensification technologies, Energies , 15 (6), pp.2061, 2022 Mohamed Abokor is Advanced Process Control Specialist – Pemex Deer Park refinery, with more than 30 years of experience in the chem - ical industry, working with chlorine/caustic, ethylene oxide/ethylene glycol (EO/EG), olefins, refining, and LNG. For the past 25 years, he has specialised in developing and maintaining APC applications. He holds a BS degree in chemical engineering from Prairie View A&M University. Email: Michelle Wicmandy is Marketing Campaigns Manager at KBC (A Yokogawa Company) and a USA BestSelling Author. With more than 20 years of experience in for-profit, non-profit, and academic set - tings, her contributions span academic and business publications. She serves on the Forbes Communication Council and recently contributed chapters to Pivotal Leadership and Making Sense of the Learning Turn . Email:


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PTQ Q4 2024

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