PTQ Q4 2024 Issue



5 Understanding the peculiarities of the refining business Rene Gonzalez

7 ptq&a

19 Digitalisation solution for monitoring and improving performance Pierre-Yves Le-Goff, Philippe Mege, Yannick Gelie, Marie Duverne and Connor Knight Axens 27 Separation technology addresses challenges in emerging technologies Kusume Srinivasa Rao, Ramkumar Ramanathan and Todd Foshee Shell Catalysts & Technologies 35 Proactive management reduces crude preheat fouling risks Giuseppe Della Sala and Marco Respini Baker Hughes 41 Selection of ULSD dryers: Key technical considerations Rajib Talukder Aramco 51 Handling complex hydrocarbon molecules Xavier E Ruiz Maldonado and Ryan Jesina Topsoe Inc, USA Michal Lutecki Topsoe A/S, Denmark 57 APC advances FCC unit performance at Pemex Deer Park refinery Mohamed Abokor Pemex Deer Park refinery Michelle Wicmandy KBC (A Yokogawa Company) 63 Understanding the decomposition of TBPS for efficient catalyst sulphiding Jennifer A Jackson Lubrizol Tiago Vilela Avantium

75 Evaluating tray efficiency impacts on column design Tek Sutikno Fluor Enterprises 81 Unlocking ROI from low-carbon fuel investments Kristine Klavers EcoEngineers

89 Desalter optimisation strategies: Part I Venkatesan Mani Veolia Water Technologies and Solutions

99 Corrosion monitoring techniques and benefits of newer methods Venkat Eswara and Sascha Schieke mPACT2WO, a Molex Business 111 Technology In Action Enabling high iron feed processing in the FCC with in-situ catalyst technology Pursue sustainability and improve catalyst performance with magnesium ethoxide when producing polyolefins Specifying waste water treatment unit biomass separation pilot test equipment

Cover Photo courtesy of Unsplash – American Public Power Association

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Vol 29 No 5 Q4 (Oct, Nov, Dec) 2024 ptq PETROLEUM TECHNOLOGY QUARTERLY

Understanding the peculiarities of the refining business

T h e EIA estimates that around 416 crude oil refinery projects will be finalised worldwide between 2021 and 2025. More than two-thirds are expansions of existing refineries, with 93 a imed at developing new oil refinery infrastructure (see PTQ Revamps 2024 ). Many target increasing blue H 2 capacity from catalytic reformers while minimising the facility’s total carbon footprint. Others involve linking refinery assets with petrochemical facilities, such as steam crackers, in the produc - tion of olefins, starting with feedstocks that include naphtha, ethane, and propane. Forecasts that the EV market will eventually overtake demand for fossil fuels have not come to fruition yet, partly due to lack of expected government incentives. For example, Mercedes has joined a growing list of struggling EV manufacturers, having revised its EV margins downward while preparing to invest more in its line-up of combustion engine cars. Many refineries are still operating at high margins and production rates due to the strong demand for conventional fossil fuels in developing regions. For example, Joao Lopes, an analyst at S&P Global Commodity Insights, recently noted strong refined product demand in Latin America in 2024, which seems to indicate that refinery expansion, such as with PEMEX, may go forward. However, this is not without the Mexican government giving the world’s most indebted oil company billions of dol- lars in tax reprieves (announced earlier in 2024). This will help with the completion of important projects, such as the Olmeca refinery on Mexico’s southern Gulf Coast, which has encountered multiple scheduling setbacks. In other instances, like the planned closure of the 100-year-old Grangemouth refinery in Scotland, UK, older refineries can no longer compete with lower-priced products from new mega refineries, such as the 625k BPD Dangote refining com - plex in Nigeria. However, some older refineries in North America and elsewhere remain efficient due to better access to expertise and resources. These refineries have been thrown a lifeline with opportunities to reconfigure existing FCC units and hydroprocessing reactors for co-processing renewable and hydrocarbon-based feedstocks towards the production of SAF, renewable die- sel, and more. Moreover, refineries in mature economies generally have access to cheaper resources like water and hydrogen compared to other regions. For example, hydrogen costs may be five times higher in China than North America. Refiners worldwide share similar worries when it comes to tariffs. Import tariffs on proprietary technology and machinery (such as compressors, reactors, and fraction- ation towers) increase capital costs. For example, tariffs and trade policies directly impact oil-rich Venezuela’s ability to import refining equipment and export refined products. In addition to tariffs, non-tariff barriers such as quotas, licensing require- ments, and standards can also impact profitability in certain refineries. Furthermore, some governments impose export tariffs on final products from refinery facilities to keep prices lower inside the country or to increase government revenues. New refinery projects coming online in developing countries face unique chal - lenges. For example, the Dangote refinery is struggling with pipeline vandalism and illegal reselling of refined products. This also destroys arable land for agriculture and potentially deters additional investment. Africa already contends with limited access to capital markets. As we approach 2025, it is notable that Saudi Arabia is importing record volumes of fuel oil for incremental power generation, driven by scorching heat waves and widespread water shortages in the Middle East. Against this backdrop, it is clear that climate considerations play a role in long-term planning algorithms.

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Rene Gonzalez


PTQ Q4 2024

Rethinking Old Problems

New design improves FCC slurry pumparound

Rising global demand for transportation fuels and propylene as a chemical feedstock will require new and revamped FCC units to increase supply. Technology enhancements have historically focused on improved or new catalyst formulations, updated feed nozzles, and reactor/regenerator designs. FCC charge rate and reactor temperature are often limited by performance of the main column and bottoms system. To fully capture benefits associated with tailored catalyst formulation or new reactor/ regenerator designs, the main column and slurry pumparound system must be up to the task. For many refiners, problems in the main column and bottoms section are a common occurrence. Rapid fouling in slurry pumparound exchangers requires frequent cleanings and added maintenance costs. Coking in the slurry pumparound bed leads to poor product quality, increased column pressure drop, and

shortened run length. However, many chronic problems can be mitigated with innovative designs driven by a proper understanding of the root cause. S lurry P umparound B ed Many FCCs are expected to operate 5-7 years between planned maintenance turnarounds. Modern grid packings have been used in this severe service with success. Even so, there have been times when the combination of high temperature, high liquid rate, and high vapor rate have caused severe coking. Trough distributors have been the go-to device to distribute liquid to the slurry pumparound bed. Special design features are used to mitigate risk of catalyst and coke particle accumulation in the troughs. The features that make the distributor more forgiving also make it more sensitive to liquid gradient and out-of- levelness. Even with the most careful design, slurry beds have experienced premature coking and shortened run lengths. In order to solve old problems, sometimes new thinking is needed. The engineers at Process Consulting Services, Inc. have revamped high severity, highly-loaded slurry pumparound sections with innovative solutions. A new twist on a classic distributor design improves reliability while eliminating inherent problems of old designs. Patented solutions to highly loaded grid-beds offer needed breathing room. Contact us today to learn how PCS designs can improve your FCC.

Coked distributor and grid

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pt q&a

More answers to these questions can be found at

Q How can refiners overcome challenges during FCC fast pyrolysis bio-oils (FPBO) co-processing with vacuum gasoil (VGO)? A Guillaume Vincent, Technology Manager, BASF Refinery Catalysts, FPBO, most often called bio-oils, have already demonstrated crackability in FCC units but can introduce operational chal- lenges in FCC co-processing applications, such as: • Miscibility issues with fossil feedstocks due to high polar- ity molecules and free water, requiring dedicated storage, pumping, and piping metallurgy. • Instability of bio-oils during transportation and at feed injection temperatures, requiring specific vessels and dedi - cated injection line delivery systems, respectively. If a dedi- cated injection nozzle is required, its location needs to be optimised within the FCC riser. • High variability in alkali, earth alkaline metals, acidity, and oxygen contents. Bio-oils differ from crude oils due to the presence of oxy- gen and elevated levels of alkali metals (such as Na, K), earth alkaline metals (such as Ca, Mg), chlorides, and phosphorus. Since these contaminants can cause catalyst deactivation and operational issues, such as fouling or corrosion issues, it is recommended to reduce their concentration prior to co- processing. At commercial scale, several pretreatment pro- cesses exist to remove contaminants, such as: Particles and other solids in these bio-oils can lead to instability. Filtration has been shown to remove particu- lates such as char and alkali metals. Degumming is another technique that has demonstrated the ability to remove phospholipids and trace metal ions from crude vegetable oils and could be further applied to bio-oils. Water degum- ming is effective for phospholipid removal, while alkali salts require acid degumming. As such, the introduction of alkali and earth alkaline metals should be limited by feed man- agement and careful catalyst selection, such as in-situ cata- lyst technology. In fact, in-situ manufactured catalyst contains the low- est Na content in the FCC industry, which helps mitigate the effect of added alkali metals. Moreover, in-situ manu- factured catalysts exhibit a very high surface porosity that helps mitigate added earth alkaline metals and/or added iron, which typically accumulate at the catalyst edges. In opposition, incorporated catalysts show surface densifica - tion in their fresh state due to the usage of alumina or silica chloride-based binders during the manufacturing process, resulting in a diffusion barrier limiting pore accessibility for further cracking reactions. • Filtration • Desalting • Degumming • Hydrotreating applications • Purification adsorbents.








100% Gasoil

25% Soybean 50% Soybean 100% Soybean

Bio-oils might also contain elevated chloride levels, which should be minimised prior to FCC introduction. Chemically, chlorides can result in the reactivation of nickel deposited on equilibrium catalyst, leading to unwanted dehydrogenation reactions (higher hydrogen and delta coke). Operationally, since there is often an excess of NH 3 from feed cracking, any additional chlorides can lead to the formation of incre- mental NH 4 Cl deposits at the overhead of the main frac- tionator. As such, the introduction of chlorides should be limited by feed management and careful catalyst selection to minimise chlorides in FCC catalyst, such as with in-situ catalyst technology. Indeed, in-situ manufactured catalysts do not use chlo- ride-based binders during the in-situ manufacturing pro- cess, as opposed to many incorporated catalysts utilising binders containing chlorides. Feed chlorides can be reduced with purification adsorbents. A chloride guard oriented towards organic chlorides removal is preferred for maxi- mising the dechlorination process. However, preliminary evaluation is highly recommended to assess and confirm its efficiency on a specific bio-oil. Bio-oils also contain significant levels of oxygen-con - taining molecules, resulting in a polar phase immiscible with fossil feedstocks. Additionally, high oxygen levels in feed present challenges in that much of the oxygen can go through reaction pathways to become water, CO, and CO 2 non-value-adding FCC products (an example is shown in Figure 1 using vegetable oil – the increase in non-value products could be even more pronounced for an FPBO). Thus, consideration should be taken for how the use of a bio-oil might impact the FCC yield slate. The mild hydrotreatment of bio-oils could improve mis- cibility through oxygen removal via hydrodeoxygenation. However, the oxygen content at which miscibility is no lon- ger an issue is variable. Catalytic pyrolysis has also been used to stabilise the bio-oil before co-processing through the FCC unit. In catalytic pyrolysis, oxygen is removed as water and carbon oxides over a zeolite-based catalyst. Figure 1 Result of lab-scale cracking tests using FCC catalyst. Originally published in PTQ Q4 2023


PTQ Q4 2024

Q What areas of expertise are needed to mitigate con- straints in plant/facility staffing levels? A Marie Duverne, Technical Support Digital Transformation Leader, Axens,; Philippe Mege, Head of Digital Service Factory, Axens, Philippe.mege@; Pierre-Yves Le Goff, Global Market Manager, Reforming and Isomerisation, Axens, pierre-yves.le-goff@ Several key areas of expertise leveraging technology and technical assistance can help mitigate plant/facility staffing levels. Solutions provided in this field include data analytics capabilities through Axens’ proprietary Connect’In digital capability, including: • Access to technical assistance that can connect you with experts who have up-to-date knowledge on the latest technologies and best practices, which may not be avail- able in-house. • Advanced process control (APC) systems: Implementing APC technology can optimise refinery operations, reduc - ing the need for constant manual adjustments and allow- ing fewer operators to manage more complex processes efficiently. • Digital twin technology: Creating virtual replicas of refin - ery units enables remote monitoring, predictive mainte- nance, and optimisation of operations with reduced on-site personnel. • By outsourcing certain technical functions, plant manag- ers can keep their permanent staff focused on core business activities while relying on external experts for specialised tasks. In view of that, leveraging cloud platforms proposed by technology suppliers or process licensors for knowledge sharing, remote troubleshooting, and expert consulta- tion can provide on-demand technical assistance without requiring additional on-site staff. Implementing AI/ML algo - rithms on these platforms for process optimisation, anom- aly detection, and decision support can enhance operator effectiveness and reduce the need for constant supervision. A Dave Loubser, Senior Staff Consultant, KBC, dave.; Graeme Anderson, Senior Staff Consultant, KBC, Organisations worldwide are facing manpower challenges due to the drive to remove humans from workplace haz- ards, retirements, the availability of appropriately qualified candidates, and/or a reluctance to work in the industry. We are seeing increasing age, knowledge, and experience gaps as clients try to backfill vacancies, and this is leading to a switchover to digital tools to mitigate this situation. This is not only placing a strain on the recruitment process as cli- ents seek future employees who are tech-savvy but also on internal learning and development systems. The implementation of digital tools to solve the man- power issue is posing a new set of challenges in that spe- cific technical and personal competencies are required to not only understand the new technologies but also extract the maximum value from them. The aim of implementing these digital technologies and tools is to shift the role of the worker from a manual intervention role to a more analytical,

Catalytic pyrolysis allows for a better bio-oil quality with a reduced oxygen content and a lower acidity compared to the original bio-oil. A solution that does not involve oxygen removal from the feed is to use dedicated feed injection technology nozzles to allow for the injection of bio-oils at low temperature through the riser. Careful consideration with an FCC tech- nology licensor should be taken according to the type of oil, the ratio of the co-processing oil to the primary feedstock, and the location of injection. This is because operating con- ditions, feed zone configuration, and co-processing objec - tives will vary between FCC units. Q How can fractionation upgrades be achieved without expensive metallurgical upgrades? A Andrew Layton, Principal Consultant, KBC, Andrew. Improved fractionation profitability can be achieved in sev - eral ways: corrosion control, tray technology, KPI/monitor- ing developments, energy pinch studies, and live computer models. Corrosion control involves managing corrosion from sources such as acids, mercaptans, and salts. Solving these issues allows for processing cheaper crudes and delaying turnarounds. The alternative to using metallurgy is often different chemical packages added to the feed or over- heads of fractionation systems and other equipment like desalters. Unfortunately, this approach may not always solve the problems. For example, crude overhead corrosion control creates almost as many problems now as it did 50 years ago. Other techniques are required, some of which are dif- ficult to implement in an already-designed unit. Mitigation for existing units can be achieved through improved mod- elling, monitoring, and process and reliability KPI develop- ment, as well as some simple design changes in areas that are often overlooked or discounted as critical. Tower internals designs are continually being upgraded by vendors to improve efficiency and capacity. However, the benefits of these improvements are often lost by poor operation due to fouling corrosion or poor control. These problems can be mitigated by improved KPIs and model- ling to identify when efficacy is being lost or when process changes can improve operation. Thus, live modelling for rapid identification of both process and reliability dete - rioration enhances the value of improved control systems. Monitoring may include flow regime modelling, mixing effectiveness, pressure drop, and velocities/partial pres- sures as a few examples. Energy minimisation is another key factor in improving product value, as well as helping to meet any carbon foot- print targets and removing bottlenecks such as furnaces and rundown cooling limits. Rundown cooling is often one of the first constraints encountered with higher ambient temperatures. Energy pinch studies will help debottleneck fractionation heat sources, and the potential use of various heat pumps will further reduce the carbon footprint when using low-temperature heat sources below 120°C.


PTQ Q4 2024

More than Waste

Discover Axens Solutions for Plastic Recycling

• Creative thinking : Coupled with data quality manage- ment and critical thinking, this skill will enable workers to develop creative solutions and to think outside of the box. • Written and verbal communication: This is another foun- dational skill to enable workers to effectively share informa- tion and insights and to support effective decision making. • Knowledge management: The capture and provision of historic plant knowledge through digital means or new concerted capability development programs will be needed as workers either retire and/or leave to change careers. Less staff on-site requires expanding their scope of control and knowledge to become multidisciplinary and work on tasks of higher priority, complexity, and decision making. • Prioritisation : The ability to be able to prioritise responses to system, process and equipment challenges, and needs. Q How are cross-functional teams achieving operational efficiency and process safety targets? A Mark Schmalfeld, Global Marketing Manager, BASF Refinery Catalysts, Refinery cross-functional teams play a crucial role in achiev - ing operational efficiency and process safety targets. By bringing together individuals with diverse expertise from different departments, these teams can effectively address complex challenges and drive improvements. Some meth- ods and processes that cross-functional teams employ to achieve operational efficiency and process safety targets in a refinery include: • Collaboration and communication: Cross-functional teams promote collaboration and open communication among team members from various departments such as operations, maintenance, engineering, health and safety, and quality assurance. Regular meetings, brainstorming sessions, and sharing of information allow team members to exchange knowledge, identify bottlenecks, and develop solutions collectively. • Process mapping and analysis: Cross-functional teams analyse existing processes by mapping out work- flows, identifying inefficiencies, and pinpointing areas for improvement. They evaluate process steps, equipment, and resource utilisation to identify opportunities for optimisa- tion and streamlining. • Root cause analysis: When incidents or deviations occur, cross-functional teams can conduct root cause analysis to understand the underlying causes. They use techniques such as the five Whys, fishbone diagrams, or fault-free analysis to identify the primary and contributing factors. This analysis helps in developing effective corrective and preventive actions to enhance process safety and prevent recurrence. • Continuous improvement initiatives: Cross-functional teams are effective in driving continuous improvement initiatives by implementing methodologies such as Lean Six Sigma or total productive maintenance (TPM). These methodologies aim to eliminate waste, reduce variability, improve equipment reliability, and enhance overall opera- tional efficiency. • Standardisation and best practices: Cross-functional

response, and troubleshooting role. This shift requires very different competencies for the worker to be able to accom- plish their tasks. The following are considered to be some of the technical and personal competencies that will be required: Technical competencies • Process improvement: Improve current and/or develop new work processes to include digital tools and systems to ensure reliable, consistent, and effective daily task execution. • Data literacy : The ability to be able to understand, inter- pret, and communicate data effectively. It is no secret that the industry is swimming in data and making clear sense of it all is a challenge. End users will need to become famil- iar with framing problems and solutions in abstract data- centric domains. • Data quality assessment : This is a critical skill to enable workers to effectively identify, validate, and select the best data to execute their tasks and solve problems. • Data analysis and modelling : This is an IT-centric capa- bility to interpret business problems, derive their abstract IT/OT information elements, and model solutions to assist better and quicker decision making. • AI and machine learning : This has been described as the future of almost every industry. A level of fundamental understanding of AI and machine learning and the advan- tages and benefits of their application will be required. • Cyber security : This is critical in industry today and work- ers must understand the role they play in understanding and assuring cyber security while they manage data. • Enhanced IT/OT capability : This will be required to ensure the smooth implementation, operation, and continu- ous tuning of the digital solutions. These skills will include IT skills along with requisite functional engineering skills and foundational knowledge to enable the effective imple- mentation and use of digital tools. Person ne competencies • Critical thinking: This is a foundational skill that will enable workers to extract the maximum value from the dig- ital data and allow for better and quicker decision making.

Staff need to be able to understand, interpret, and com- municate data effectively


PTQ Q4 2024

AHEAD A long history of looking

For nearly a century, Grace catalysts have kept fuel and petrochemical feedstocks flowing from the industry’s largest refineries to the trucks, trains, planes, and ships that keep our world running. We are leveraging our long history of innovation in fluid catalytic cracking to develop products that enable lower carbon fuels and help meet the challenges of the energy transition.

chemicals can be considered in two basic steps. The first step is to enable the recycling of plastic waste, which requires a combination of factors that span across various stages of the recycling process. The second step is to focus on the factors critical to the technology and process for large-scale upcycling of plastic waste. Step 1: Creating a steady supply of usable recycled plas- tic for the market First, some key elements needed to facilitate plastic waste recycling, which contains the first steps in creating a steady supply of usable waste plastic and maintaining a market for products made from recycling, include: • Policy and regulation: Implementing supportive policies and regulations can provide the necessary framework for plastic waste recycling. These can include setting recycling targets, implementing extended producer responsibility programmes, imposing landfill bans on recyclable plastics, or providing financial incentives to encourage recycling ini - tiatives. Initiatives to improve the ability to sort and recycle materials are also critical policy initiatives. • Education and awareness: Public education and aware- ness campaigns are crucial to promote the importance of recycling and encourage individuals to participate in recy - cling programmes. Informing people about the environ - mental impact of plastic waste and providing guidance on proper sorting and disposal of recyclable plastics can sig - nificantly increase recycling rates. Proper sorting of plastic waste is one of the biggest challenges to creating a consis - tent feedstock to produce new chemical feedstocks from the recycled materials. • Efficient collection systems: The establishment of effi - cient and accessible collection systems is essential for effective plastic waste recycling. This includes implement - ing curbside recycling programmes, setting up drop-off centres, or partnering with waste management compa - nies to ensure convenient collection points for recyclable plastics. • Segregation and sorting: Proper segregation and sorting of plastic waste are critical for efficient recycling. Advanced sorting technologies, such as optical sorting machines, can help separate different types of plastic based on their chemical composition or physical properties, facilitating the recycling process and ensuring high-quality recycled materials. • Infrastructure and facilities: The availability of recycling infrastructure and facilities is crucial for plastic waste recy - cling. This includes the establishment of recycling plants equipped with appropriate machinery, processing equip - ment, and quality control measures to efficiently process and transform plastic waste into reusable materials. • Market demand for recycled materials: Creating a strong market demand for recycled plastics is essential to drive recycling efforts. Encouraging industries to use recycled plastics in their products through incentives, regulations, or labelling requirements can stimulate demand and create a sustainable market for recycled materials. • Collaboration and partnerships: Collaboration among stakeholders is crucial for successful plastic waste recycling.

teams work towards standardising processes and imple- menting best practices across the refinery. They identify and document successful approaches and develop guide - lines or standard operating procedures (SOPs) that pro- mote consistency, efficiency, and safety. • Training and skill development: Cross-functional teams recognise the importance of training and skill development to ensure that employees have the necessary competencies to achieve operational efficiency and maintain process safety. They collaborate with the human resources department to identify training needs, develop training programmes, and facilitate knowledge sharing among team members. • Performance monitoring and metrics: Cross-functional teams establish key performance indicators (KPIs) and met - rics to measure progress towards operational efficiency and process safety targets. Regular monitoring of these metrics allows teams to identify deviations, track improvements, and make data-driven decisions for further enhancements. • Change management: Cross-functional teams facilitate change management by involving stakeholders, commu - nicating the need for change, and addressing resistance. They develop change management plans, ensure proper training and support during implementation, and evaluate the effectiveness of the changes made. Change manage - ment processes are critical to ensuring a safe operating environment in a refinery. By leveraging these methods and processes, cross-func - tional teams in a refinery have proven to be more successful in achieving operational efficiency and process safety tar - gets than separate, more ‘siloed’ teams. Their collaborative approach, combined with a focus on continuous improve - ment and effective communication, drives positive results and promotes a culture of safety and efficiency throughout the organisation. Q What is needed for large-scale upcycling of plastic waste to valuable chemicals like polyethylene? A Mark Schmalfeld, Global Marketing Manager, BASF Refinery Catalysts, Large-scale upcycling of plastic waste into valuable Upcycling of plastic waste to valuable chemicals like poly - ethylene requires technical expertise, innovative processes, and a robust supply chain


PTQ Q4 2024

“I had a love-hate relationship with my reactor.” – Every PE Everywhere

Cooperation between government entities, waste manage- ment companies, recycling organisations, manufacturers, and consumers can facilitate the development of compre- hensive recycling systems and promote a circular economy approach. By addressing these factors collectively, it is possible to create an environment that enables effective and wide- spread recycling of plastic waste, contributing to the reduc- tion of plastic pollution and the promotion of the potential to achieve more large-scale upscale recycling of plastic waste to valuable chemicals. Step 2: Implementing the technical and commercial inno- vations utilising recycled raw materials to create valuable chemicals After the first steps to enable plastic recycling, then the achievement of the second step, large-scale upcycling of plastic waste to valuable chemicals like polyethylene requires a combination of technical expertise, innovative processes, and a robust supply chain. Some key compo- nents that are necessary to achieve this second step of suc- cessful large-scale upcycling of plastic waste include: • Feedstock preparation and processing: The first step in upcycling plastic waste is to prepare and process the feedstock. This involves sorting, cleaning, and shredding the waste into a consistent size and quality. If sorting is successful as plastic waste is collected, then the level of process and quality control is improved. Advanced tech- nologies such as pyrolysis, gasification, or catalytic depo - lymerisation can be used to break down the plastic waste into valuable chemicals. • Innovative technologies and processes: Innovative technologies and processes are essential for large-scale upcycling of plastic waste. These can include advanced catalysts, process optimisation, or novel reactor designs that enable high efficiency and selectivity. Innovations in process control and automation can also enhance consis- tency and reduce variability in product quality. • Supply chain management: A reliable and robust sup- ply chain is necessary for large-scale upcycling of plastic waste. This includes identifying sources of plastic waste, establishing collection and transportation infrastructure, and ensuring consistent feedstock quality and availability. Collaboration with waste management companies, munici- palities, and other stakeholders in the supply chain is key to ensuring a steady supply of plastic waste. • Market demand: The success of large-scale upcycling of plastic waste also depends on market demand for the products produced from the process. Identifying and devel- oping markets for the products, such as polyethylene, is necessary to ensure the economic viability of the process. The public in a given region needs to support the market initiative. Overall, large-scale upcycling of plastic waste to valuable chemicals like polyethylene can be considered in two major steps. The first step creates the recycling policy, recycling culture, and infrastructure to drive recycling of plastics. Then the second step requires a combination of techni- cal innovation, supply chain expertise, and market fit to

achieve a sustainable improvement that can deliver on the promise of large-scale upcycling of plastic wastes to valu- able chemicals like polyethylene. Q Why are some of the world’s best refineries more effi - cient than some of the world’s newest refineries? A Romain Roux, Vice-President Decarbonization and Consulting, Axens, The world’s best refineries often outperform the new - est ones due to their focus on efficiency and continuous improvement. According to Solomon surveys, these refin - eries are identified as being 20% more energy efficient, having lower costs, being more reliable, and being 60% more profitable. Efficiency is not solely a product of new technology or infrastructure but also of operational practices. These refin - eries have balanced their key financial metrics with key operating metrics, avoiding an excessive focus on operat- ing costs. They have also adapted to their regional eco- nomic environments, which prevents a refinery from being penalised for its location. Catalysts play a pivotal role in the petroleum refining pro - cess, enabling efficient conversion of crude oil into valuable fuels and products. High-performance catalysts lead to higher productivity and lower energy consumption, result- ing in optimal operational efficiency. On the other hand, decarbonisation through energy effi - ciency is a critical aspect of refinery operations. Crude oil refining accounts for 6-8% of all global industrial energy consumption. Therefore, improving energy efficiency is crit - ical for all refineries and in all processes, with a focus on the main energy consumers. Energy efficiency opportunities available for petroleum refineries include energy manage - ment systems, energy recovery, steam generation and dis- tribution, heat exchangers (using high-efficiency heaters), process integration, process heaters (very high efficiency or electrical heaters), and hydrogen management and recov - ery. These measures not only reduce energy consumption but also contribute to environmental sustainability. In conclusion, the world’s best refineries can be more efficient than some of the newest ones because they con - tinuously improve their operations, adapt to their environ- ments, and balance their financial and operating metrics. This focus on efficiency and adaptability allows them to achieve superior performance. Therefore, it is crucial for new and existing refineries to adopt these best practices and continuously strive for improvement. This will not only enhance their efficiency but also contribute to a sustainable and profitable future. A Mark Schmalfeld, Global Marketing Manager, BASF Refinery Catalysts, It may seem counterintuitive, but it is not uncommon for some of the world’s best refineries to be more efficient than some of the newest refineries. This can occur due to several reasons: • Technological advancements: Older refineries may have undergone extensive upgrades and investments in


PTQ Q4 2024

“Until someone took a deeper look at our issues.”

The world’s best refineries can be more efficient than some of the newest ones because they continuously improve their operations, adapt to their environments, and balance their financial and operating metric

advanced technologies to improve efficiency and opera - tional performance. These refineries have had time to refine their processes, optimise equipment, and implement inno- vative solutions that enhance efficiency and reduce energy consumption. • Experience and expertise: Refineries with a long opera - tional history have accumulated vast experience and exper - tise in refining operations. They have developed a deep understanding of their processes, feedstocks, and equip- ment, allowing them to optimise operations and achieve higher efficiency levels through continuous improvement efforts. • Process integration: Older refineries often have well- established infrastructure and process integration. They have had the opportunity to integrate various units and processes to maximise efficiency, minimise energy losses, and optimise resource utilisation. Newer refineries may still be in the process of fine-tuning their integration and achieving optimal operational synergy. • Flexibility and adaptability: Established refineries have the advantage of being able to adapt to changing market conditions and regulatory requirements. They have the ability to adjust their operations, upgrade equipment, and implement new processes to meet evolving industry stan - dards and market demands, making them more efficient and competitive. While it is not uncommon for older refineries to be more efficient than newer ones, it is important to note that newer refineries also have many advantages. New refineries often benefit from the incorporation of the latest technologies and equipment from the outset, resulting in higher energy efficiency and reduced environmental impact. Additionally, newer refineries may have the advantage of being built in regions with access to abundant and lower-cost feed - stocks, giving them a competitive edge in terms of produc- tion costs. New refineries are also often built in regions with growing markets, giving them an edge in terms of distribu - tion costs for their refined products. Ultimately, efficiency levels can vary widely across

refineries, regardless of their age. Each refinery’s per - formance depends on a multitude of factors, including investment in technology, operational expertise, process optimisation, and market dynamics. Continuous improve - ment efforts and the adoption of best practices are essen- tial for both older and newer refineries to maintain and enhance their efficiency levels in an ever-evolving industry. A Woody Shiflett, Blue Ridge Consulting LLC, One phrase sums it up: ‘Operational Excellence’. A refinery that has in place systems, training, and regular refresher training for safety, maintenance, environmental steward - ship, and operation procedures, and is led by true leaders – not merely managers – who set clear goals and targets, reinforce them with measurable and transparent metrics, hold all personnel equally accountable, and reward stellar performance can achieve extraordinary efficiencies and results. Such leaders exhibit the ability to carefully listen to their people, admit their own shortcomings, and adjust accordingly, embrace effective new ideas, and build and maintain a team that has esprit de corps . ‘Best’ and ‘new - est’ are not necessarily synonymous. I am fortunate to have as a friend a retired refinery general manager that did this. Q How can hydroprocessing operators better manage the high heat release during O2 and olefin hydrogenation (for example, when processing lipid feeds)? A Woody Shiflett, Blue Ridge Consulting LLC, Liquid recycle is the most effective way to manage heat release. However, it results in reduced throughput in revamps of existing units or units in co-processing operation, and it adds Capex in new units compared to fossil fuel units of comparable capacity. This is not to say that more traditional treat gas recycle has no role. It does, and with sufficient recycle compressor capacity or expansion, it can move the needle for percentage of renewables co-processing notably


PTQ Q4 2024


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Q What is needed to significantly increase production of bio-LPG, renewable marine diesel, and bio-aromatic hydrocarbons like BTX? A Andrew Layton, Principal Consultant, KBC, andrew. • Sources: Most bio-LPG and biodiesel biofuels now come from recycled fats and vegetable oils, which do not com- pete with food sources. Recycled fats are the cheapest and most accessible source, but they still require pretreatment to remove several impurities. This pretreatment results in a 10% yield loss as water and requires additional isomerisa- tion for diesel production. These factors increase the cost compared to conventional fuels, adding perhaps two extra steps. The use of other waste or cheaper streams, such as woody feed sources, introduces additional issues with transportation costs, even more treatment, and potentially pyrolysis/gasification/Fischer-Tropsch steps before reach - ing conventional fuel-type treatment. Thus, the cost of these extra three to four steps in transportation and chemi- cal treatment means the overall cost is several times higher than that of conventional fuels. Production from electrolysis, H₂, and then reforming/F- T type processes to get to hydrocarbons is equally costly, especially if it starts from CO₂. CO₂ capture is feasible, but making hydrocarbons starting from CO₂ is like climbing a steep energy ladder, which was so easily descended by hydrocarbons going to CO₂. • Scale-up: Apart from the bio-hydroprocessing route, most processes are still small and from smaller suppliers, requiring scale-up as well as managing solids – similar to recycling issues from multiple and contaminated sources. Several of these are best if they get together to provide a viable intermediate product. Existing refineries are designed to best manage or blend these products; thus, intermediate products need to be transported or built on-site if space permits. • Investment: These processes require substantial invest- ment. Money is available from bankers. However, due dili- gence is required for investors to assess the many small process start-up companies and identify those with viable business plans. Such due diligence often leads to turn- arounds in the process configuration as various profit /prac - ticality problems arise that were not predicted. Examples include basic changes in the source of H₂. A solid business plan is essential to secure investment, as the cost of the final product is high, even with gov - ernment support, and a firm customer base is vital. Some customers have already moved away from renewables in the short term. Additionally, some government support is disappearing or being delayed due to other economic drivers. Many obstacles exist to quickly replace the conventional fuel supply routes, especially as the cost is high now. A key factor is choosing companies with good business and tech- nology plans from cradle to product. In many cases, a robust plan may mean facilitating joint programmes between mul- tiple companies.

before liquid recycle must be employed at high ratios. Many renewables hydroprocessing technology providers tend to leave out recycle flows in simple process flow diagrams for marketing purposes, but they are implied. A Joris Mertens, Principal Consultant, KBC, joris. Most vegetable oils and animal fats are triglycerides con- sisting of fatty acid structures containing 16, 18 and 20 carbon atoms (C 16, C18 , C 20), rich in oxygen and olefins. Hydrodeoxygenation of 100 tonnes of an oil/fat triglycer- ide containing only tristearin (saturated C 18 chains, C 18 : 0 ) will generate 25 Gcal/100 MMBTU of heat, five times more than the exotherm resulting from hydrotreating a similar amount of fossil diesel. Most of that heat (70%) is gener- ated during the cracking of triglycerides into fatty acids and propane rather than by oxygen removal from the fatty acid using hydrogen (hydrodeoxygenation). Oxygen removal from fatty acids through the removal of a carbon atom and production of CO₂ (decarboxylation) is even endothermic. The exotherm will further increase to 30 Gcal/120 MMBTY per 100 tonnes of feed if it contains pure unsaturated tri- linolein (C 18 : 2). With exotherms at least five times higher than those of conventional mid-distillate hydrotreating and higher than full conversion hydrocracking, design and operational precautions are needed to avoid temperature runaway. Special attention should also be paid to maximis- ing the recovery of the heat generated. As in conventional hydrotreating and hydrocracking, the hydrodeoxygenation (HDO) catalyst will be distributed over different catalyst beds, and gas quench is applied to control exotherms and allow catalyst grading. Also, as with conventional hydrotreating and hydrocracking, there is the need for efficient feed mixture distribution over the catalyst beds. HDO will use three-to-six catalyst beds in one or two reactors, depending on licensor preferences and the need for pretreatment catalyst to remove catalyst poisons. Providing an additional heat sink by recycling the (heavier fraction of the) liquid product is the most important addi- tional handle to avoid excessive HDO exotherms. The amount of liquid recycled will be higher than the fresh feed rate, possibly twice as high. Some licensors design the HDO section with a split feed routed to the first two or three catalyst beds, which distributes the heat generation more evenly. Similar to conventional hydrotreating/hydrocracking, heat generated is recovered from the effluent in the feed/effluent exchanger, the effluent of which can be used to generate medium-pressure steam or to preheat the isomerisation or cracker section feed. Some designs use the HDO effluent heat to preheat the downstream iso-dewaxing or cracker sections. The design of hydrotreaters/hydrocrackers can be made more energy efficient by using a hot high-pressure sepa - ration. In the case of triglyceride feeds, the HDO section is normally followed by a sulphur-intolerant iso-dewaxing step to improve the cold flow properties of the paraffinic product. Therefore, a hot high-pressure stripper will need to be used rather than a simple separator.


PTQ Q4 2024

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