Update of existing programme
3 Site - level process (Phase 1)
Add safety - critical definition Create reliability risk index Develop tool for workshops
Gap between current PMs and updated PM tasks/ freq. from
Create criticality standard and process
Site validation of PM changes workshop
Site criticality validation workshop
Obtain site data
Assign 1st pass criticality
ID failure modes Add criticality level tasks Compare peer frequencies
Challenge session with industry SMEs
Site provides: PFD, LPOC, incident investigations, bad actors and previous criticality studies
Upload to SAP
Review with corporate SMEs
O - site resources Site resources
Follow-up and tracking of results
Agreement with site advisory groups
Updated PM tasks and frequencies for MI equipment
Figure 4 Organisation chart of the programme planned for minimising impact on site resources
were asked to comment on the results and indicate which were more consistent with their experiences. The SMEs were also asked to provide input if a task could be performed by a different method. An overall recommendation for changes based on the PM Libraries and SME comments was devel- oped for each equipment type and criticality. A major objec- tive of the programme was to minimise the impact on site resources (see Figure 4 ). To accomplish this, several key decisions were made: • Development of the criticality standard, process, and updates to the PM programme would be done at the corpo- rate level, with sign-off at the end by site advisory groups. • Site criticality workshop length would be minimised by performing a first-pass equipment criticality at the corporate level. • Existing site PM would be extracted and compared to the new standard with a recommendation provided by off-site resources. • Changes to site PM would be implemented by off-site resources. Conclusion A check performed when comparing the existing site PM programme with the PM standard was to ensure that all equipment defined as safety-critical had an appropriate PM
task. There were several cases where PM tasks were added for equipment now deemed safety-critical. Although it is too early to determine if there has been an impact on availability, a reduction in overall hours for PM was achieved at all sites. The results from the first four sites are shown in Table 1 .
Abbreviations BOM
Bill of materials
Computerised maintenance management system
Economic order quantity
Federal aviation administration
FMEA Failure mode and effects analysis FRACAS Failure reporting, analysis, and corrective action system OEE Overall equipment effectiveness PM Preventive maintenance PMO PM optimisation PS&O Planning and scheduling optimisation RAM Reliability availability modelling RCA Root cause analysis RCM Reliability-centred maintenance SRCM Streamlined reliability-centred maintenance TPM Total productive maintenance 5S Sort, set in order, shine, standardise, and sustain (originally Seiri, Seiton, Seiso, Seiketsu and Shitsuke). References 1 Ford Motor Company, Ford Manual for Owners and Operators of Ford Cars and Trucks Detroit, Ford Motor Company, 1919. 2 History of Maintenance, Boeing Aeromagazine, QTR_04, 2006. 3 Moubray J, Reliability-centred Maintenance , ISBN 0-7506-3358-1, 1991. 4 Poor P, Zenisek D, Basl J, Historical Overview of Maintenance Management Strategies: Development from Breakdown Maintenance to Predictive Maintenance in Accordance with Four Industrial Revolutions, Proceedings of the International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management , 2019, pp.495-504. Charles Maier is the Global Maintenance Lead at Becht and resides in Charlotte, North Carolina. He has more than 30 years of experience in operations, maintenance and reliability, mainly leading improvement programmes at manufacturing sites. He holds a BS in marine engineer- ing and naval architecture from Webb Institute, Glen Cove, NY and an MS in engineering management from Southern Methodist University, Dallas, Texas. Email: cmaier@becht.com
Table 1 Reduction in overall hours for preventative mainte- nance was achieved at all four sites Note: Amount of PM hours vary based upon size of the site
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